After you have located your courses for the semester, you may find it helpful to pin your courses. Pinning is like favoriting or saving a social media post to find it more easily later. Pinning a course is especially helpful if you have other courses lingering from previous semesters.
Pinned Course
A pinned course is denoted by a push pin icon layered on the course thumbnail (upper right-hand corner).
Pinning & Unpinning
To pin a course, hover over a course that doesn’t have the pin icon, and you should see a ‘…’ icon in the upper right-hand corner. Clicking the ‘…’ icon will reveal the option to ‘Pin’ in the menu below. Simply click the word ‘Pin,’ and you will have pinned that course.
To unpin a course, all you have to do is click on the push pin icon, and it will unpin that course.
Showing Only Your Pinned Courses
To modify the My Courses widget view to show only pinned courses, click ‘Pinned’ at the top of the widget. This way, you can focus on just the courses you need for this semester.
Now that you can find and pin your courses let’s head into a course and look for that guide to course success – the syllabus!