Today is Yom HaShoah

If we had a moment of silence for every victim of the Holocaust, we would have have to be silent for 11.5 years.Holocaust Remembrance day in Israel is important to every Jews’ understanding of how perilous our lives are, and how much we owe the generations before us to Never Forget!  We support Israel because it is the one place where Jews can be Jews.  It is our homeland.

If you say you don’t hate Jews, but you hate Israel–you hate Jews.

There is no difference between the haters of Israel an the haters of Jews.

We must never forget that lesson, and we will not accept hate any more.  We can’t.  Hate is what killed 6 million of us.

Join Perimeter Hillel, Israel, and the rest of the Jewish World in remembrance of  those lost to hate.


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