Department Room Prep

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If this event requires a funding request, you can start by:
Download Funding Spreadsheet
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Fine Arts Room Prep Information

Fine Arts Room Prep Information

Starting with the 23-24 season, use of any room in the Fine Arts building (outside of standard classroom use) will need to fill out this form.

This includes all Public, Private, and in-house events, even those consistently scheduled year to year (e.g. Theatre Arts Guild performances).

To be published as part of the Fine Arts Season Calendar, and have priority scheduling, events must be submitted by July 31st.
For minor events or opportunities that arise during the season a calendar request should be submitted as early as possible with a deadline of at least 4 weeks in advance.

No events accepted with less than 4 weeks notice unless approved in advance by the Dept Chair.

Minor Adjustments to Room Needs must be provided up to one week in advance to be considered by the Production Manager. Not all adjustments can be accommodated at this late deadline.

Please provide the following information so that your event can be added to the Fine Arts Calendar and set up to your specified needs. Any requests not specified clearly on this form, will not be provided.

Please list a simple event name to be used for associated paperwork. EG: 2023 Fine Arts Pathway Party = Pathway23

Any forms, documents or attachments should use this 'Project Name' in the file name or when requested on forms.
Is this event currently on the Fine Arts calendar or is this a new event.
Existing Event

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