Upcoming Events Schedule

Before an event can be announced, you must get the event approved and placed on the Fine Arts Calendar.
A guide can be found here.

As soon as event is decided on and announced:

  1. Production Manager: Create Trello Card Fine Arts Perimeter Board from Public Event Checklist template.
  2. Event Host: Prepare an Early Announcement email and send to Box Office Manager. (Currently Bisola ‘Bebe’ Adeogun badeogun1@gsu.edu)
  3. Box Office Manager: Forward the email to our reliable supporters/promoters with advanced notice:
    • Department Digital Designer, Currently Kathy Jordan – kjordan35@gsu.edu
    • Editorial & Production Coordinator, Currently Rebecca Rakoczy – rrakoczy@gsu.edu
    • Associate Director Student Life, Currently Jez Catambay – jcatambay@gsu.edu Cheryl Farmer – cfarmer@gsu.edu
    • Photographer, Currently Bill Roa – wroa@gsu.edu
    • Honors Program Contact – Currently
    • English Department Contact – Currently
    • Copy/paste email list: kjordan35@gsu.edu; rrakoczy@gsu.edu; jcatambay@gsu.edu; wroa@gsu.edu; cfarmer@gsu.edu
  4. Event Host: Produce placeholder graphics (For calendar, announcements etc.)
    1. Do you need a graphic design resource? Join our team Canva account https://www.canva.com/brand/join?token=cqFRli4llTX6dV45iaOzCA&brandingVariant=edu&referrer=team-invite)
  5. Social Media Team: Add to PIN, GSU Calendar, and FB with Placeholder Graphics
  6. Event Host: Decide on how to provide graphics
    1. Event Team Provides Designs:
      1. Please provide a finished event graphic with all information needed, at least 1 square and 1 rectangle format, please.
      2. VISIX slide (See Signage Policy)
      3. If desired Print Resources: Posters, Cards, Program Covers. (Print Costs must be covered by Event Budget)
    2. Request from Designer
      1. Current at hand designer Ashley Butler – jashleybutler@gmail.com
      2. Digital resources: Headers, Square, BGs, Key Image, Fonts, etc.
      3. VISIX slide (See Signage Policy)
      4. Print Resources: Posters, Cards, Program Covers.

6 Weeks Out:

  1. Box Office Manager: Box Office setup (See TIX Document)
  2. Social Media Team: Update PIN, Calendar and FB with final Graphics

1 Month Out:

  1. Submit VISIX slide for display, to be shown 2 Weeks Before->Final Date
  2. Open Box Office
  3. Remind Supporter/promoters list, share any marketing available
  4. Submit to community event Calendars?
  5. Advanced Alert
    1. Facilities, Currently Marcus Cooper – mcooper17@gsu.edu
    2. Security, Currently Lt. Kimberly McClenton – kmcclenton@gsu.edu
    3. Custodians, Currently Reggie Thornton – rthornton8@gsu.edu

2 Weeks Out:

  1. VISIX should begin Running
  2. Finished Draft of Program, Group Review

7 Days Out:

  1. Program to Print Shop
  2. Email Supporter/Promoters, Schedule Facilities, Security, Custodians

2 Days Out:

  1. Remind Facilities, Security, Custodians, confirm scheduling

0: Day of Event