Room Prep Information

Starting with the 23-24 season, use of any room in the Fine Arts building (outside of standard classroom use) will need to fill out this form. This includes:

Outside of a normal class or club session (time/date)
Outside of normal class or club’s standard location. (E.g. moving to stage)
Require additional personnel or equipment
Require departmental funding
Include Outside Participants or Guests
All Public, Private, and in-house Events, even those consistently scheduled year to year (e.g. Theatre Arts Guild performances).

MUST provide room prep information to the Production Manager (Currently Sunny Vidrine using this form, not email. This form may be completed as soon as the room use is planned, but must be completed no later than 30 days prior to the scheduled date.

Minor updates may be submitted to the production manager up to 7 days in advance, but not all adjustments can be accommodated at this deadline.

Room Prep Information Form (Updated February 2024)

Upcoming Events Schedule

Before an event can be announced, you must get the event approved and placed on the Fine Arts Calendar.
A guide can be found here.

As soon as event is decided on and announced:

  1. Production Manager: Create Trello Card Fine Arts Perimeter Board from Public Event Checklist template.
  2. Event Host: Prepare an Early Announcement email and send to Box Office Manager. (Currently Bisola ‘Bebe’ Adeogun
  3. Box Office Manager: Forward the email to our reliable supporters/promoters with advanced notice:
    • Department Digital Designer, Currently Kathy Jordan –
    • Editorial & Production Coordinator, Currently Rebecca Rakoczy –
    • Associate Director Student Life, Currently Jez Catambay – Cheryl Farmer –
    • Photographer, Currently Bill Roa –
    • Honors Program Contact – Currently
    • English Department Contact – Currently
    • Copy/paste email list:;;;;
  4. Event Host: Produce placeholder graphics (For calendar, announcements etc.)
    1. Do you need a graphic design resource? Join our team Canva account
  5. Social Media Team: Add to PIN, GSU Calendar, and FB with Placeholder Graphics
  6. Event Host: Decide on how to provide graphics
    1. Event Team Provides Designs:
      1. Please provide a finished event graphic with all information needed, at least 1 square and 1 rectangle format, please.
      2. VISIX slide (See Signage Policy)
      3. If desired Print Resources: Posters, Cards, Program Covers. (Print Costs must be covered by Event Budget)
    2. Request from Designer
      1. Current at hand designer Ashley Butler –
      2. Digital resources: Headers, Square, BGs, Key Image, Fonts, etc.
      3. VISIX slide (See Signage Policy)
      4. Print Resources: Posters, Cards, Program Covers.

6 Weeks Out:

  1. Box Office Manager: Box Office setup (See TIX Document)
  2. Social Media Team: Update PIN, Calendar and FB with final Graphics

1 Month Out:

  1. Submit VISIX slide for display, to be shown 2 Weeks Before->Final Date
  2. Open Box Office
  3. Remind Supporter/promoters list, share any marketing available
  4. Submit to community event Calendars?
  5. Advanced Alert
    1. Facilities, Currently Marcus Cooper –
    2. Security, Currently Lt. Kimberly McClenton –
    3. Custodians, Currently Reggie Thornton –

2 Weeks Out:

  1. VISIX should begin Running
  2. Finished Draft of Program, Group Review

7 Days Out:

  1. Program to Print Shop
  2. Email Supporter/Promoters, Schedule Facilities, Security, Custodians

2 Days Out:

  1. Remind Facilities, Security, Custodians, confirm scheduling

0: Day of Event