Social Media / Marketing

Social Media Manager

  • Develop, produce/write and post content on the College’s official social media platforms.
  • Maintain the College’s social media content calendar and schedule/track posts using tools such as Canva.
  • Monitor social media conversations to provide timely responses and/or to alert colleagues of issues requiring immediate attention.
  • Monitor and curate social media content from Departments, Centers, and other entities within the College of Arts and Sciences.
  • Produce analytic reports to monitor the engagement of targeted audiences and use the data to improve reach and engagement.
  • Advise/offer training in best practices to the social media coordinators of the Departments and other sub-units of the College of Arts and Sciences who are running their respective social channels.
  • Provide live, on-site coverage on social media channels for key College-level events.
  • Have administrative oversight of our social media accounts.
  • Collaborate with the university’s central PR/Marketing team to stay on top of ever-changing best practices in social media and to ensure consistency of messaging across multiple platforms and networks targeted to key audiences.


General Rules & Procedures for Using Intra-organizational Marketing Tools & Social Media



  • What Will You Need
  • What Are Our Intra-organizational Marketing?
  • What Will You Need to Do?
  • What Do You Need to Learn
  • Handling of Box Office’s Petty Cash


What You Will Need

Upper management will need to set up an account or share credentials of the following:

  • PIN (Panther Involvement Network)*
  • Localist*
  • GSU WordPress *
  • Canva account
  • Facebook Admin Access (Theatre Arts Guild page & Department of Performing Arts page)
  • Instagram (pcfinearts)
  • Linktree
  • Mailchimp



The following are links to Marketing Assets listed above:


What Are Our Intra-organizational Marketing Tools?

It is all the tools we use internally between departments and divisions of the college to market all of the fine arts events within the school.


The following tools we use:

  • Pin (Panther Involvement Network)
  • Localist
  • GSU WordPress pages
  • Visix Slides


Inter-organizational Marketing Tools

  1. Panther Involvement Network (PIN)
  • Networking tool for students to find organizations and events.
  • Upload events to this page for students who use this tool to view upcoming events.
  1. GSU (WordPress)
  • Website tool used for Theatre Arts Guild web pages.
  • Used to upload upcoming auditions, theatre performances, and pictures from productions.
  • A calendar tool used to upload events that will be displayed on the school’s calendar.
  • Link below for more info:

  • Digital signage tool used on display monitors throughout the campus.
  • Link below for guidelines:


Social Media Platforms

Currently the two main social media platforms we use are:

  • Instagram- pcfinearts
  • Facebook- You will manage 2 pages (Theatre Arts Guild & Department of Fine Arts)


Canva Account

What is Canva?

Canva is an online graphic design tool. Use it to create social media posts, presentations, posters, videos, logos and more.


How do we use it?

We create ALL of our social media post using this tool. We also use the Content Planner tool to schedule out social media posts in advance.



  • Use the University’s brand guide to design your post. i.e. College’s color, font, and logos (its uploaded to the account)
  • Unlike Facebook, Instagram will ONLY allow a post to be scheduled through its Content Planner tool if it is ONE page only. If an Instagram post has multiple pages you must download design to your phone and upload it.
  • Save ALL designs to Perimeter College folder so other account holders can have access to them.
  • Use design’s labelled templates for continuity of the overall theme on our platforms
  • Filters most used on Images are Festive, Solar, and Peony
  • Use notes section to write the copy to be used on posts.
  • If permitted get social media accounts to tag people and organizations



Social Media Calendar

How do I know what events to post?

Usually events are posted to the University calendar events page in advanced from each discipline (Music, Art, & Theatre). You will also need to periodically double check with each department to find out about upcoming events.


Timeline of posts

Most events if time permits should be posted a week in advanced with the exception of theatre production events. Preferably 3 posts per event:

  1. Reminder post (week prior)
  2. Day Before post
  3. Day of Post
  • Theatre posts should start going out a month prior to event with reminders weekly of ticket availability to daily depending if is the week of the production




  • If possible try to make a post about each discipline on a weekly basis.
  • Attend events to take photos to be used on our socials


Email Marketing

Mail Chimp is the tool we currently use to send out all or our emails

  • Templates are made
  • Email list for campaigns are available


What is TiX?

  • Tix is a state-of-the-art, cloud-based ticketing system
  • It features fully integrated access controls, event management controls, multi-channel distribution capabilities, and a robust reporting suite. Tix provides a customer-facing ticket sales page, as well as inventory controls, invoicing and financial accountability.


What You Will Need

  • Upper management will need to set up an account with a username and password of your choosing
  • Download Tix Scan App to your phone

Save this link to gain access to our box office accounts (save it to your work desktop)

Laptop- Will be available for duration of theatre productions for ticket reservations


What You Need to Do

Under the following tabs star each item so they will appear under the Favorites tab. These widgets are the most frequently used.

  • Daily Sales by Event Report
  • Daily Sales by Event Report w Event Selection
  • Daily Sales Report
  • Discount Management
  • E-Ticket Management
  • Event Management
  • Hold Type Management
  • Order Summary Report
  • Pre-Sale Code Management
  • Sales
  • Sales By Production Report
  • Ticket Type Management
  • Tix TV- Video Tutorials
  • Venue Management
  • Will Call Pick- Up
  • Will Call Report

What You Need to Learn

  • Under the following tabs star each item so they will appear under the Favorites These widgets are the most frequently used.
  • Use the Tix TV Training Videos widget to familiarize with the widgets in your favorite’s tab.

The training pages/videos to focus on are the following:

Updating GSU Calendar

Start by creating a new event at

  1. Enter Event Name, Description and Status
  2. Add Event Schedule
    1. A repeating event will only show up once on the Events Calendar for the soonest next event or remain at the top of the list during active dates. Good for: Gallery Shows, Ongoing multi-day events.
    2. For an event with multiple dates, it is best to create a new event for each day. This will show up on the Events Calendar multiple times, indicating people have distinct options. Good for: Productions with multiple performances.
  3. Enter Location details, typically we use 3735 Memorial College Ave as our physical address
  4. Additional Details
    1. Hashtags: SeeYourselfInTheArts TheArtsAreForEveryone
    2. Event Website: If no specific event website use
    3. Fill in the rest as appropriate.
  5. Filters: The only requirement is listing the Department as ‘Fine Arts (Perimeter College)’, but other categories can be listed if useful.
  6. Add Event and alert Fine Arts Approver (Currently Aaron Gotlieb – that there is an event ready to add to the calendar. When you get an email letting you know your event is approved, check to verify it has appeared on the automatic calendar.

Upcoming Events Schedule

Before an event can be announced, you must get the event approved and placed on the Fine Arts Calendar.
A guide can be found here.

As soon as event is decided on and announced:

  1. Production Manager: Create Trello Card Fine Arts Perimeter Board from Public Event Checklist template.
  2. Event Host: Prepare an Early Announcement email and send to Box Office Manager. (Currently Bisola ‘Bebe’ Adeogun
  3. Box Office Manager: Forward the email to our reliable supporters/promoters with advanced notice:
    • Department Digital Designer, Currently Kathy Jordan –
    • Editorial & Production Coordinator, Currently Rebecca Rakoczy –
    • Associate Director Student Life, Currently Jez Catambay – Cheryl Farmer –
    • Photographer, Currently Bill Roa –
    • Honors Program Contact – Currently
    • English Department Contact – Currently
    • Copy/paste email list:;;;;
  4. Event Host: Produce placeholder graphics (For calendar, announcements etc.)
    1. Do you need a graphic design resource? Join our team Canva account
  5. Social Media Team: Add to PIN, GSU Calendar, and FB with Placeholder Graphics
  6. Event Host: Decide on how to provide graphics
    1. Event Team Provides Designs:
      1. Please provide a finished event graphic with all information needed, at least 1 square and 1 rectangle format, please.
      2. VISIX slide (See Signage Policy)
      3. If desired Print Resources: Posters, Cards, Program Covers. (Print Costs must be covered by Event Budget)
    2. Request from Designer
      1. Current at hand designer Ashley Butler –
      2. Digital resources: Headers, Square, BGs, Key Image, Fonts, etc.
      3. VISIX slide (See Signage Policy)
      4. Print Resources: Posters, Cards, Program Covers.

6 Weeks Out:

  1. Box Office Manager: Box Office setup (See TIX Document)
  2. Social Media Team: Update PIN, Calendar and FB with final Graphics

1 Month Out:

  1. Submit VISIX slide for display, to be shown 2 Weeks Before->Final Date
  2. Open Box Office
  3. Remind Supporter/promoters list, share any marketing available
  4. Submit to community event Calendars?
  5. Advanced Alert
    1. Facilities, Currently Marcus Cooper –
    2. Security, Currently Lt. Kimberly McClenton –
    3. Custodians, Currently Reggie Thornton –

2 Weeks Out:

  1. VISIX should begin Running
  2. Finished Draft of Program, Group Review

7 Days Out:

  1. Program to Print Shop
  2. Email Supporter/Promoters, Schedule Facilities, Security, Custodians

2 Days Out:

  1. Remind Facilities, Security, Custodians, confirm scheduling

0: Day of Event