Archives: Wikis
Public Events
Department of Fine & Performing Arts Operations Manual

Adding an Event to PIN
Please follow the instructions at
if you need help adding an Event to Panther Involvement Network (PIN)
If you need Faulty member status for the Department of Fine & Performing Arts please let a PIN Administrator know. Currently-,
It is important to have events listed on PIN for Attendance Reports as well as Student Life records and funding.
Updating GSU Calendar
Start by creating a new event at
- Enter Event Name, Description and Status
- Add Event Schedule
- A repeating event will only show up once on the Events Calendar for the soonest next event or remain at the top of the list during active dates. Good for: Gallery Shows, Ongoing multi-day events.
- For an event with multiple dates, it is best to create a new event for each day. This will show up on the Events Calendar multiple times, indicating people have distinct options. Good for: Productions with multiple performances.
- Enter Location details, typically we use 3735 Memorial College Ave as our physical address
- Additional Details
- Hashtags: SeeYourselfInTheArts TheArtsAreForEveryone
- Event Website: If no specific event website use
- Fill in the rest as appropriate.
- Filters: The only requirement is listing the Department as ‘Fine Arts (Perimeter College)’, but other categories can be listed if useful.
- Add Event and alert Fine Arts Approver (Currently Aaron Gotlieb – that there is an event ready to add to the calendar. When you get an email letting you know your event is approved, check to verify it has appeared on the automatic calendar.
Upcoming Events Schedule
Before an event can be announced, you must get the event approved and placed on the Fine Arts Calendar.
A guide can be found here.
As soon as event is decided on and announced:
- Production Manager: Create Trello Card Fine Arts Perimeter Board from Public Event Checklist template.
- Event Host: Prepare an Early Announcement email and send to Box Office Manager. (Currently Bisola ‘Bebe’ Adeogun
- Box Office Manager: Forward the email to our reliable supporters/promoters with advanced notice:
- Department Digital Designer, Currently Kathy Jordan –
- Editorial & Production Coordinator, Currently Rebecca Rakoczy –
- Associate Director Student Life, Currently Jez Catambay – Cheryl Farmer –
- Photographer, Currently Bill Roa –
- Honors Program Contact – Currently
- English Department Contact – Currently
- Copy/paste email list:;;;;
- Event Host: Produce placeholder graphics (For calendar, announcements etc.)
- Do you need a graphic design resource? Join our team Canva account
- Social Media Team: Add to PIN, GSU Calendar, and FB with Placeholder Graphics
- Event Host: Decide on how to provide graphics
- Event Team Provides Designs:
- Please provide a finished event graphic with all information needed, at least 1 square and 1 rectangle format, please.
- VISIX slide (See Signage Policy)
- If desired Print Resources: Posters, Cards, Program Covers. (Print Costs must be covered by Event Budget)
- Request from Designer
- Current at hand designer Ashley Butler –
- Digital resources: Headers, Square, BGs, Key Image, Fonts, etc.
- VISIX slide (See Signage Policy)
- Print Resources: Posters, Cards, Program Covers.
- Event Team Provides Designs:
6 Weeks Out:
- Box Office Manager: Box Office setup (See TIX Document)
- Social Media Team: Update PIN, Calendar and FB with final Graphics
1 Month Out:
- Submit VISIX slide for display, to be shown 2 Weeks Before->Final Date
- Open Box Office
- Remind Supporter/promoters list, share any marketing available
- Submit to community event Calendars?
- Advanced Alert
- Facilities, Currently Marcus Cooper –
- Security, Currently Lt. Kimberly McClenton –
- Custodians, Currently Reggie Thornton –
2 Weeks Out:
- VISIX should begin Running
- Finished Draft of Program, Group Review
7 Days Out:
- Program to Print Shop
- Email Supporter/Promoters, Schedule Facilities, Security, Custodians
2 Days Out:
- Remind Facilities, Security, Custodians, confirm scheduling
0: Day of Event
GSU Digital Signage Policy
Perimeter College Digital Signage Policy
- Pace/Length: 10 seconds
- Word Count: 20 words Max. Less is better! (Only 10 seconds to view/read it.)
- 1920×1080 .PNG for Still Images OR 1080p .MP4 for Video Clips
- RGB 8-bit color mode
- Submit image or clip 7 days prior to the Start Date
- Run Limits: 7 consecutive days minimum and 30 consecutive days maximum
- Rotation Limit: 30 slides Max. (slides my not be posted and/or can be removed, due to the amount of content and priorities.)
- Content must target Current Students, because this signage technology is purchased with Student Tech Fee funds. (Faculty/Staff can also be targeted but cannot be the only target of the content.)
- University Alerts
- Campus Specific Information
- Perimeter Specific Information
- Student Services
- Campus Services
- Athletics
- University Ads
Submit to VISIX manager: Kathryn Jordan (