If your funding request involves an event, please fill out the form Department Calendar Request instead of the form below.
Download Funding Spreadsheet
If you would like to request Fine Arts Department funds for a purchase outside your normal classroom supplies, or for a specific project, please fill out the form below.
Funding requests for specific events must be submitted at least 60 days in advance. End of year requests must be in by May 1st, with priority consideration given in order of submission.
Please consider all funding sources available in addition to department funds to improve your chances of being fully funded. NO FOOD OR DRINK may be purchased with department funds, you will need to use your foundation funds, Student activity funds, or private donations to purchase any type of food or drink.
You will need to provide exact details, pricing and purchasing instructions (Amazon business, punchout links, quotes. etc. ) for your request.
Department Funding Request
Handling of Box Office’s Petty Cash
- Petty Cash are funds we have on hand used ONLY for at door ticket sales and or concession sales.
- Petty cash should ALWAYS be kept in the safe.
- Petty cash must be counted and reported quarterly to advanceimprestfund@gsu.edu.
- Always keep a hard copy of the quarterly SIGNED documents in the manila folder in the safe
The following documents need to be downloaded for the handling of Petty Cash
Georgia State University Petty Cash and Change Fund Accounts
Georgia State University Petty Cash Change fund Count Sheet
Georgia State University Petty Cash Imprest Fund Request Form
Georgia State University Petty Cash Imprest Fund Disclosure Form
Link to ALL documents listed above: https://finance.gsu.edu/download/petty-cash-and-petty-cash-change-fund-procedures/?wpdmdl=2706&refresh=620d20c3d20b91645027523
Depositing Funds & Record Keeping
- Download Deposit Remittance Form for use.
- Deposits are made into TWO accounts:
- Theatre Arts Guild (TAG) account
- Music Account
*account information will be provided *Check record keeping of deposit forms
The following document needs to be downloaded for depositing funds:
- Georgia State University Deposit Remittance Form Instructions
- Georgia State University Deposit Remittance Form
- Georgia State University Deposit Remittance Form (Excel)
Links to documents listed above:
Link 1- https://finance.gsu.edu/download/deposit-remittance-instructions/wpdmdl=2706&refresh=620d20c3d20b91645027523
Link 2 –https://finance.gsu.edu/download/deposit-remittance-form-2/
Link 3 – https://finance.gsu.edu/download/deposit-remittance-form/
Depositing Funds & Record Keeping (cont’d)
- Once you fill out the Deposit Remittance Form make a copy and give both to the accounts office to sign.
- Keep the signed copy and ask for a receipt which you will staple together.
- Keep all copies in a manila folder and put them in the safe. (These forms are needed for audit purposes)
- Any documents that need to be disposed of that contain any personal account information needs to be shredded and disposed of according to universities procedures