The Sarah Larson Lecture Series will host its final event of the spring 2017 term on Thursday, March 30, at the Dunwoody campus. “Notes from DragonCon: Fandom as Religious Experience” will be held in the C Auditorium (NC 1100) from 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.
Georgia State University instructor, Lauren Cooper, will discuss how sci-fi and fantasy fandom fulfill important roles related to defining personal identity and values. By comparing how fandom and religion are similar in this aspect, Cooper will explore bigger questions about the concept of entertainment and the perception of reality.

Cooper is a visiting instructor at Georgia State University. She received B.A.s in English, and Religious Studies, as well as an M.A. in Religious Studies from GSU. Her areas of research include religion and popular culture, religion and literature, and new religious movements.
Professors are welcome to bring their classes. Space is limited and seats fill quickly so arriving early is advised. Sign-In sheets will be passed around during the event to collect attendance data that is helpful in obtaining grant funding for the lectureship – copies of these attendance logs may be requested by faculty for course participation verification.
The lecture series is free and open to the public. Parking is available. For more information about this event or to request sign-in sheet PDF following the event, please contact series co-chair, Megan Levacy, at or call 770-274-5583.
A PDF of the flyer pictured below may be downloaded here —> EVENT FLYER