Word Building Activity

Paired with the Letter Learning Review, we have a Word Building Activity. Notice that this is called an activity, not a lesson. Look for the Word Building Activity in the Extension Activity Section of the manual. Take some time to read through this activity after we describe it to you. This will be added after the second Letter Learning Review lesson and it is done as a whole-class guided activity. It provides even more practice with the letters just reviewed but also develops word building skills. There is no coaching, just review and then a preview of writing words that will come later.

The teacher gives a word, everyone sounds it out together and then writes it on the lines. Here is yet another chance for the teacher to go over the correct strokes with the students. At the bottom, if time, the teachers can also begin to model how to use the words in a sentence and write a sentence. Each teacher can decide when to start doing the sentence writing portion. In the Word Building Activity, we have given you a list of words to use. This list utilizes the letters and sounds that have been learned thus far in the lessons, and also provides a variety of sounds. It is important, for the consistency of the project, that you use the words we have given you. These lists are found at the end of the Word Building Extension Activity pages.

Worksheet Format

  • Lesson Overview: after the Letter Learning Review, with teacher guidance, students will sound out and build CVC words that use the letters and sounds that have already been taught in PAWS.
  • There is no coaching during the Word Building Activity.