Puranik, C. S, Patchan, M., Lemons, C., & Al Otaiba, S. (2017). Using peer-assisted strategies to teach early writing: Results of a pilot study to examine feasibility and promise. Reading and Writing,30, 25-50. doi 10.1007/s11145-016-9661-9
Puranik, C. S, Petscher, Y., Al Otaiba, S., & Lemons, C. (2018). Improving kindergarten students’ writing outcomes using peer-assisted strategies. Elementary School Journal, 118(4), 680- 710.
Highlights of research from pilot studies on PAWS
- PAWS intervention was effective in improving writing outcomes (handwriting fluency, punctuation, sentence quality and length, essay quality and length) for kindergarten students.
- PAWS was successfully delivered by classroom teachers with a high level of fidelity.
- Lessons were feasible to implement within the time frame, and teachers were able to complete the lessons in the 30-minute allotted time.
- Teachers reported enjoying implementing PAWS.
- Students responded positively to PAWS and working with a partner (see sample feedback from a student below).