The GSU Perimeter College Native Plant Botanical Garden consists of two vibrant, wonderfully diverse areas.
First, we have the Native Plant Garden. This garden consists mainly of plants native to the United States. The area is divided into the following sections:
Sun berm: woody shrubs, herbaceous perennials, and small trees
Xeric ferns: sun ferns native to Georgia and the southwestern US
Southeastern bogs: pitcher plants, sundews and other carnivorous plants and their companions
Deciduous shrubs: azaleas, magnolias, viburnums, and more
Shade beds: spring ephemerals including trilliums, Virginia bluebells as well as shrubs
Sand Hill: endemics to Georgia sand hills
Woodland: under story trees and shrubs, as well as perennials

Additionally, we have Ferns of the World Garden. It is believed this garden contains more species of ferns than any other garden in the US, possibly in the world.