Day 4 Palace of Versailles

Before I dive into how the tour of the Palace of Versailles has impacted me I must first say that I found it absolutely beautiful. The architectural work was phenomenal and I am impressed by the talents of the people who created it. However, I do believe that the amount of money spent on it was absurd and completely unnecessary. There was definitely no need to have so much gold embedded in almost everything, nor was it necessary to create a church in order to align himself (the king) with gods.

The only thing I do appreciate though was the fact that the palace was actually occupied by the max capacity it was meant to hold. I have often heard (too many times) that kings would have massive castles/palaces built but only have a handful of people live there. I was settled after hearing that bit of information but disgusted to hear about how the rest of the population was treated.

The next I really did not like either was how self-centered the king was. From the description of his behavior, he sounds like a small child even in his adulthood. As an adult, he still exhibits the same attitude of thinking (which is he is the center of the universe and nothing outside of his circle matters). It is no surprise where is lifestyle lead him and his heirs in the long run.


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