This was such a wonderful trip jam packed with history. My favorite part related to the class was the walking tour. I loved being able to get a visual on where certain events were held and I loved drawing a mental map while walking around. The guide was informative and entertaining and I thought that that was the perfect first thing to do. The Assignat has still stuck with me (I mentioned it in a previous blog post). I am currently in Rome and I keep thinking of the French’s trick with the “V” every time I see something in Latin here.
I’ve also been able to connect a lot of the Roman influences on the French. For example, the Pantheon in Rome is the original dome shaped building and the Pantheon in Paris is a copycat. I’m also able to connect the architecture style and the statue style between Rome and Paris.
My favorite non-related part was the culture. Between late night outings, no breakfast before 11am, food, cigarettes, and the scooters, it was a wonderful first glimpse of Europe. My favorite thing to have seen was how all of the locals were rarely absorbed in their phones. If they were at a restaurant or in a square with a friend, they were talking to that friend. I didn’t see them scrolling on their phones. I saw a couple of phone calls, but that’s nothing compared to what I see in the states, where husband and wife don’t speak while out at dinner. It was absolutely fantastic and refreshing.