Palace of Versailles

Today we took the train to the Palace of Versailles. It was gorgeous, and the size of it caught me off guard. Even from about a half of a mile away, I could clearly see how large it was.

We mostly focused on the Chateau, where the living and social quarters were in the palace. This included the rooms of a couple of gods, Diana and Mars, and it also included the bedroom of King Louis XIV and the dining room that could seat 48 guests.

Somethinig that stuck out to me was before we entered the Palace. We passed by the building that housed the water reservoir, and the guide talked about the engineering that was necessary in order to get the water from outside of Versailles, into Versailles, and then into the acres of gardens. This blew my mind. Their solution was a dome-shaped roof that would help the water gain its momentum to get to the Pallace. The guide mentioned that the grade of the landscape basically had to be perfect in order for the water to continue its momentum into the gardens through a pipe system. I really appreciated this aspect of Versailles. It shows the demand that the King and Queen put into the palace but it also shows the capability that engineers had back then. 

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