Day 1: Paris Tour

Today was an amazing experience! We toured around Paris to location that were relavant during major points in the French revolution. Though we heard s lot of information, what   interested me the most was the talk about Jean-Paul Marat and Charlotte Corday. Marat was such an influcence that mobs of people surrounded his place to read his newspaper.   Corday, seeing Marat as a monster, lied to get to him with a 6-inch kitchen knife. It took her three attempts; however, she was finally able to caught him in his akaline bath for his itchy skin and sores. Corday gave Marat a fake paper long enough to stab him mutiple times. 

After dying, he became a martyr for the revolution and moved from his home to his political party while died in the bath. Though extremely inaccurate, the portrait made by David raised  a lot of political uprise and, even after death, Marat was a impressive force in the revolution.

the bits about Napoleon, before he became a military leader and emperor of France, were interesting! It’s hard to imagine Napoleon being poor and out of the job even though he was a skilled artiliery man. The best bit I learned was Napoleon leaving his hat at the Procope, saying it is his favorite hate and would come back to pay for it… but never did! 

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