# cook your dish here print('Hello World', end=' ') print('Hello World') x = 1 y = -2.1 name = "first and lastname" isCorrect = True a_list= [1,2,3,'hello', 4.5, [1,2]] tuple = (4,5,5.7,'c') dictionary = {'key':'value', name:'Bob'} set = {'red', 'blue', 'yellow', 'red'} print(dictionary[name], set) print(dictionary) print(a_list) print(tuple) num1 = 5 num2 = 2 print(num1 + num2) print(num1 - num2) print(num1 * num2) print(num1 / num2) print(num1 // num2) print(num1 % num2) print(num1 ** num2) str1 = 'HELLO' str2 = 'w-o-r-l-d' print(str1.islower()) print(str1.isupper()) print(str1.isspace()) print(str1.isnumeric()) print(str2.isalpha()) print(str1.isalnum()) print(len(str1)) print(' '.join(str2)) print(str2.split('-')) print(str1 + str2) yourname = input('Enter your name: ') print('Your name is', yourname) print("For Loop: ") for number in range(2,11,2): print(number) print("While Loop: ") i = 2 while(i <= 10): print(i) i+=2 a = 1 isGreater = False while(isGreater == False): print(a) a+=1 if(a>3): isGreater = True print('a is greater than 3') somenum = 8 if(somenum < 5): print('is less than 5') elif(somenum == 5): print('is equal to 5') else: print('is greater than 5') if(somenum >10): if(somenum % 2 == 0): print('this number is an even number greater than 10') if(somenum > 10 or somenum % 2 == 0): print('this number is an even number greater than 10') # -2-1 # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ages = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] print(ages[0]) print(ages[len(ages)-1]) print(ages[-2]) print(ages[2:5])