#01 Electrical Measurements

Semester 2 – #01 Electrical Measurements

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Bin Contents: 2 Digital Multi Meters (DMM), 1 Bulb, 1 Resistor, and a pack of Wires. (Not shown but included – 4 alligator clips.)

NOTE: Be careful with the wires! Never pull by from the cord! Always pull from the plug!

Also – re-tie the wires as indicated! 

Obtain a Gray LVPS (Low Voltage Power Supply) – return it when finished.

This – and the sequence that follow – demonstrate the instructions from the manual, “Lab 01 – Electrical Measurements”, Part A, pg 8, Step 2/c

Parts A & B use exactly the same circuit; after you build it, do not disassemble it.

 Part A, pg 8, Step 2/d

Another view of the previous image; if you haven’t yet measured the resistor’s resistance with the DMM, THIS is a place to stop and fix that issue (you will need to physically detach the resistor from the black wire).

 Part A, pg 8, Step 2/e

 Part A, pg 8, Step 2/f

Notice – this is exactly same circuit you built for Step 1 of  “Lab 00 – Simple Circuits”!

Another view of the previous image; again, if you didn’t already measure the resistor’s resistance with the DMM, THIS is a place to stop and fix that issue (you will need to detach the resistor from the black and red wire).

Have your instructor check the wiring; also, ensure that all the LVPS knobs are turned fully counter-clockwise; turning knobs counter-clockwise deactivates voltage and current output.

To setup the volt meter; Part A, pg 9, Step 3/a-b

A closeup view for how to setup the DMM as a volt meter (Part A, pg 9, Step 3/a-b); on the dial, the V with the straight lines is DC mode; always connect the blue wire to COM and the yellow wire to the right hand port with the white V symbol.

To setup the current meter; Part A, pg 10, Step 4/a-b

A closeup view for how to setup the DMM as a current meter (Part A, pg 10, Step 4/a-b); on the dial, the A with the straight lines is DC mode; always connect the blue wire to COM and the yellow wire to the left hand port with the white A symbol.

Hooking up the current meter to measure the resistor’s current; Part A, pg 10, Step 4/c-d; note that contrary to the instruction at Step 4/c, we left the red wire attached to the resistor, this was done to make the circuit physically larger for emphasis.

The current meter is now attached in series to the resistor; they will share the same current; note the polarity of the hook-up.

Hooking up the volt meter to measure the resistor’s voltage; Part A, pg 9, Step 3/c.

The volt meter is now attached in parallel to the resistor; they will share the same voltage; note the matching polarities as indicated by the colors of the wires (black & blue are the low/”-” while red & yellow are the hi/”+”).

The circuit by the end of Part A, pg 10, Step 4.

It’s often best to stand the DMM’s.

How to stand the DMMs.

To go from Part A to Part B – do not disassemble the circuit! Simply exchange the light bulb for the resistor.

Part B is exactly the same procedure as Part A, page 11, Step 5.

If the DMMs are left on for too long, their back light may turn off; simply press the round button with the light to activate the back light again.