Policies for Online Course Syllabus

STUDENT ILLNESS: Students taking a fully online course who become ill during the semester should contact their instructor if their illness impacts their ability to complete their coursework. The student will work with the instructor to develop a plan to complete the necessary course content, activities, and assessments in order to meet the course student learning outcomes. Students who test positive for COVID-19 are encouraged to voluntarily report this information to the GSU online reporting form. For more information, see GSU COVID-19 Resources.

TEST POLICY: The midterm and final are monitored exams that must be taken from home using a remote monitoring software. The midterm and final exams are closed-book and closed-note tests. All cell phones must be turned off during the exams. Students will not be permitted to use cell phones, Bluetooth, headphones or any listening device during the exams. Students cannot access external websites or other materials during the proctored exams.

While quizzes can be completed at home, students are expected to abide by the college’s academic honesty policy while completing these assignments. All work submitted must be your own. Copying, plagiarizing, and receiving/giving assistance during a quiz is not permitted. This also includes accessing websites such as Google to get answers. It is very important that you put yourself in a “test” environment before taking your exam. You must take the time to assess your abilities without relying on assistance to complete your assignments.

 Your attendance and participation in this class are vital to your learning and to your success in the course. Consequently, regular weekly participation is expected.

  • Attendance is defined by completing an academic assignment.
  • You must complete an academic assignment in MyLab Math and in iCollege each week. It is suggested that you complete assignments on at least two different days of the week to manage the workload of the course.
  • You should devote at least 6 hours each week to this course in the fall/spring and 12 hours per week in the summer. Completing the assignments and additional studying may take additional time each week. Students are responsible for all material provided in each lesson.

WITHDRAWAL POLICY: The midpoint of the semester (as noted in the Important Dates section) is the last day for a regular withdrawal. Students are permitted to withdraw with a grade of W a maximum of three (3) times in the associate degree program at Perimeter College. The limit on withdrawals does not apply if a student withdraws from all classes during a term before the midpoint. However, students are allowed to withdraw from all classes prior to the midpoint twice without having their withdrawals count against them. Students who withdraw from a class after the limit has been reached will automatically receive a grade of WF in their classes. Several things to remember about withdrawals are stated below.

  • Although a W does not affect your institutional grade point average, a W negatively impacts your HOPE grade point average and your financial aid eligibility. For additional information on this, consult the Financial Aid Office.
  • Withdrawals count against your completion rate for making Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) which is required to keep financial aid.
  • Your instructor will not withdraw you from this course (aside from the administrative withdrawals mentioned below.) You must withdraw yourself if you find this is the best course of action for you. You do not need to go to campus to withdraw. Withdrawal requests can be made in PAWS.
  • Students cannot withdraw after the midpoint.

ADMINISTRATIVE WITHDRAWAL: If you do not take and complete the syllabus quiz with 100% within the first week of the course, you will be reported as NEVER ATTENDED and will be withdrawn from this course. Your grade will be posted as a W. (Please note unless you are reported as never attended from all of your courses, you will owe tuition money for this course.)

INCOMPLETE POLICY: Assignment of incompletes by an instructor follows the university policy on incompletes. In particular, incompletes can be assigned at the discretion of the instructor and not the student using the following criteria.

  • The student must have completed most of the major assignments of the course (generally all but one).
  • The student must be earning a passing grade in the course in the judgment of the instructor.
  • A schedule for completion of assignments must be approved prior to the assignment of the incomplete.


STUDENT ACCOMMODATION FORM: Students who wish to request accommodation for a disability may do so by registering with the Access and Accommodation Center (AACE, formerly Disability Services).  Website is https://access.gsu.edu.  Students are responsible for providing the accommodation notice to instructors of all classes in which accommodations are sought. 


At Georgia State University, we provide support to students inside and outside of the classroom so they can reach their academic and career goals.  If you are facing challenges or feeling overwhelmed, the university may have resources to help.  If you have physical or mental health concerns, any type of disability, have been victimized by crime, have difficulty accessing enough food to eat, or lack a safe and stable place to live, please reach out for support.

GSU Counseling Center: crisis line & general counseling appointments, 404-413-1640 (24/7), https://counselingcenter.gsu.edu/

 Victim Assistance 404-413-1965 (24/7): https://victimassistance.gsu.edu/

 Emergency Assistance & Financial Hardship: Dean of Students, 404-413-1515,            https://deanofstudents.gsu.edu/student-assistance/emergency-assistance/

Student Health Clinic: https://health.gsu.edu/general-information/

Embark Program: for students facing homelessness and related issues,


Panther’s Pantry: food assistance and hygiene products, https://pantry.gsu.edu/

Be Well Panthers: hub for all kinds of resources for students, https://bewell.gsu.edu/

ACADEMIC HONESTY POLICY (CHEATING/PLAGIARISM): The complete Academic Honesty Policy can be found in the Academic Conduct Policies and Procedures Section of the Student Handbook. See http://codeofconduct.gsu.edu/ for the policy. All work submitted for credit must be your own. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. If you plagiarize or make an attempt of cheating, you will receive a score of zero for the exam or a grade of F for the course depending on the severity of the infraction, and appropriate actions will be taken according to the University policy on plagiarism. Using a cell phone or any mobile devices during an exam or having other windows open during an electronic exam count as cheating and will not be tolerated. 

The Department of Mathematics at Perimeter College of Georgia State University has the right to regard finding unauthorized material in your possession/use or calculator memory or cell phone and having other windows open during any test or the final exam as cheating. If you cheat or make an attempt to do so, you may be allowed to complete the test but as a consequence, a score of zero will be assigned on the test which will not be replaced by the Final Exam score. You may receive an F for the course depending on the severity of the infraction, and appropriate action will be taken according to the University policy on academic honesty.

UNIVERSITY CLOSING: If the college is closed due to weather or for any other reason, please refer to iCollege for appropriate information.

MILITARY OUTREACH CENTER: Perimeter College provides resources and support services for military, active duty, National Guard or Reserve and veteran students, including spouses and dependents.  More information can be found at https://military.gsu.edu/.

CAMPUS CARRY:  The Campus Carry legislation allows anyone properly licensed in the state of Georgia to carry a handgun in a concealed manner on university property with noted exceptions. Information about the law can be found on this page: https://safety.gsu.edu/safety-and-you/. It is the responsibility of the license holder to know the law. Failure to do so may result in a misdemeanor charge and may violate the Georgia State Student Code of Conduct.