Respondus Monitor and Environment Scan


Below is a sample statement that can be added to an instructor’s syllabus about the lockdown browser and environmental scan. Andrea Hendricks has also written a sample quiz question requiring students to sign their name stating that they understand the recording requirement and environmental scan. Instructors may need to modify these based on their practices. 

Respondus Lockdown Browser: This free Internet browser must be installed on your computer and used for all tests. The first time you take a test requiring the lockdown browser, you will see directions for installing it. You will complete a computer check quiz before Test 1 to ensure your computer works with the lockdown browser and webcam (Respondus Monitor).

Respondus will record you as you complete your test. The testing process requires that you first complete an environmental scan. An environmental scan should provide clear video footage of the workspace in which you are taking your exam to ensure that the testing environment is secure. Items in your immediate surroundings will be seen and recorded by your camera during the environmental scan. You should remove any items you deem private or personal.


Quiz Question: (Create New > New Question > Short Answer)

Question Text: I understand that I will be recorded while completing an exam in iCollege. The testing process requires that I complete an environmental scan that provides clear video footage of the workspace in which I am taking an exam to ensure that the testing environment is secure. Items in my immediate surroundings will be seen and recorded by my camera during the environmental scan. I understand that I should remove any items I deem private or personal.

Enter your name below indicating that you understand these testing requirements.

To count any answer as correct, click on the dropdown menu before the entry box. Choose Regular Expression. Then enter \w in the box and Save.