Access & Accommodations Center Testing Procedures

Student Testing via Access & Accommodations Center

A student must present you with an official accommodations letter from the Access and Accommodations Center that outlines specific accommodations for the student (e.g., double-time on tests and quizzes, quiet test location, etc.). Before all exams, students should provide you an editable Testing Request Form  that you will complete with the student concerning any tests that will be taken on campus. The student will return this form to his or her Access & Accommodations counselor. 

Important Notes:

1. Students should contact their Access and Accommodations counselor to schedule an appointment for the appropriate test based on the schedule you completed with the student.

2. Appointments can be arranged as soon as testing sign-up information goes out to classes but must be finalized at least 1 week prior to the department testing dates.

3. Testing appointments should be as close to the department testing dates as possible. Any deviations in these testing dates must be approved by the Associate Department Chair.

4. The instructor should receive an email from the appropriate Access and Accountability counselor requesting testing information. Or, the instructor can provide testing information using the Instructor’s Approved Materials Form found at this link: Instuctors Approved Material_Form_Fillable2_2019 The completed form should be sent directly to the appropriate Access and Accountability counselor with a copy also sent to the Associate Department Chair. See the Access and Accommodations Webpage for all contact information.

Note: It is recommended that you use a different password for the Access and Accommodations student than you do for your “mass testing.” 

Note: The instructor must correspond directly with the Access and Accommodations Center to arrange tests for students with accommodations. 

Helpful Websites: 

Testing Information for Students:

Testing Information for Faculty:

Faculty Dos and Don’ts:

Sample Student Accommodation Syllabus Statement: 

The following should be placed in the syllabus:
Students who wish to request accommodations for a disability may do so by connecting with the Access and Accommodations Center (AACE). Students may be accommodated upon instructor receipt of an accommodation notice from AACE (see How to Connect).

Updated January 13, 2020

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