How to Be Successful in an Online Math Class

To be successful in an online math class, students need to set aside time for “class” and for “studying.” Class time for a 3-credit hour course is equivalent to two 75 minute sessions, or three 50-minute sessions. Study time is equivalent to two hours for each hour in class. The study time for a 3 credit hour course is about 6 hours. So, a 3-credit hour course may require you to commit about 9 hours per week to be successful.

Class time consists of watching videos, reading the text, reviewing instructor created notes, taking notes, participating in your online class discussions, and attending any online class sessions.

Study time consists of reviewing your notes, working homework problems, learning terms, definitions, and formulas.

What to Expect in Your Online Math Class

Most of our online classes use a 3rd party software (MyMathLab, Top Hat or WebAssign) to complete some of the work for the course. The content of the course is delivered in iCollege while homework and some testing is done in the 3rd party software.

Most full semester courses cover two to three sections of material each week, have a required discussion board post, require homework completion and possibly a quiz. A test is given over major units. Most every course requires that students take a proctored midterm and final exam. Books and notes are not permitted during the proctored exams.

Each course has deadlines that must be observed. Online math courses are not self-paced courses. It is important that you adhere to the deadlines so that you do not fall behind.

Resources for Your Online Math Class

Perimeter College Online is committed to helping its students succeed. There are multiple resources available to help you be successful in your online math course.

1. Learning and Tutoring Centers – Both on-campus and online tutoring services are available through the college’s Learning and Tutoring Centers.

2. Smarthinking – This is another online tutoring service. A link to this service will be in your course.

3. WebEx – These are online meeting rooms that enable your instructor to hold virtual classroom services.

4. Online Advisement and Student Services

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