Project 2: Drawing Dream – Part 2

For the second part of project 2, we worked on 3 separate drawings that would deal with linear perspective, 2-point perspective, and atmospheric perspective.

1-point perspective 2-point perspectiveatmospheric perspective 
Toned PaperWatercolor paper or Bristol paperMixed Media or Drawing paper 14 x 17 or 18 x 24
Crowquill Pen and Ink (waterproof, Higgins Black Magic is ideal)Watercolor pencils and watercolor tube (with brush)
These are notes I took from some videos we were linked to watch about linear perspective and atmospheric perspective.
These are photos I used to practice drawing from these different perspectives.
Here is the first draft.
This is the second and final draft of the thumbnails.
I used these photos from my sequential narrative to help configure thumbnails for my 3 drawings.
These are the thumbnails I created before drawing my full pieces.
For the atmospheric perspective drawing, I changed it to use this reference instead.
This is the inked full inked version of my linear perspective drawing.
And here is the final version after I added the ink wash.
This is the first draft of the 2-point perspective drawing.
This is the second draft of the 2-point perspective drawing.
This is the final version.
It’s not too visible, but there are sketch lines for the atmospheric perspective drawing. It’s also the first draft.
I laid the first base colours.
Next, I added the light and shadows.
Then, I did the sky and highlights.
Finally, I added the straw plants at the lower bottom.