Georgia Aquarium Tunnel
The Aquarium Tunnel is the only part of aquarium that shows the actual animals moving in the tank, during the… read more

Georgia Aquarium Gift Shop
The Georgia Aquarium tour concludes with a glimpse of its gift shop. The gift shop offers a variety of items… read more

Summary of Bennin & McMullan’s “Color Walking” article
The first idea that might come to someone’s mind by just simply glancing at the title and picture of this… read more
Emory Library: Videos

Extra Images of Phipps Plaza
These are a couple of extra pictures that I took of Phipps Plaza and did not use in my description…. read more
Phipps Plaza: An entrance
This is the area where I conducted my first observation. There is an entrance to Davio’s Italian Restaurant, Arhaus (a… read more
Phipps Plaza entrance
This image was taken from across the street. Their is a bit of remodeling going on around the mall. In… read more
This is the entrance to Belk, one of the main department stores of Phipps Plaza. This area has a big parking space so a lot of people just park and enter through here. One of the buildings located in the front is a housing building,so you can rent or buy a space.