The Emory library is known as Robert W. Woodruff Library, and it is located on Emory’s campus, 540 Asbury Circle Emory University Atlanta, GA 30322-2870 USA. The library was founded in 1982 for advanced research. The name comes from Robert Winship Woodruff who is a “philanthropist and former CEO of The Coca-Cola Company”. “The library supports the teaching, learning and research missions of four institutions of higher education” (About Our Library). The cost of building Woodruff Library was around $7,000,000. While the library is located on Emory’s campus it can be accessed by the general public as long as proper identification is presented at the time of the visit.
The library is composed of 11 floors. There is a coffee shop is located on the lowest floor, so this floor is the noisiest floor. There are small couches and seats located near the coffee shop so students can just sit and talk, or relax. The rest of the floor is divided up into different sections. There are about 10 sections each with 4 chairs that are sectioned off by using a white board to divide up the space, so that students can form small study groups. Each white board has dry erase markers, and erasers. Most of the study groups that were on these floors were either discussing math or some form of science. Towards the back there is a section where anyone can practice an upcoming presentation that they have. The area includes monitors where pictures, powerpoints, prezis, or any other visual presentations. The area also includes cameras so that you can record your presentation, and observe if you need to make any changes to your presentation style. You can also adjust the volume and lighting of the place to your preference. On this floor there is also a wide range of different governmental documents that can be checked out. There are government maps, censuses, and different books on the deparments.
From the 2nd- 3rd floor study groups continue to form, however there are less people on

“Stacks” of bookshelves. They are electrical so sometimes the buttons need to be pressed to expose a certain shelf.
this floor. It is important to keep in mind that as you go up each floor is quieter. The official quiet floors are floors 3, 4, 5 & 8. Starting on the 4th floor “the stacks” start to appear. The 4th-10th floor are known as the towers, because these floors contain an endless amount of books. The 4th-10th floor are referred to as the stacks because of all the stacks of books. Most floors contain the technology based bookshelves which separate once you press the buttons to access a specific shelve. Some of the floors still have normal bookshelves but they are being updated to the newer bookshelves. These floors also have small cubicles located on the left and right sides of the floor. Some of the cubicles have locks to put stuff away because they can be rented for a semester. Not many people use the cubicles. There are about 20 cubicles on each floor and only 3 were occupied.
On the third floor there is an area where different exhibits are put on display. Every couple of months different art works, artifacts, historical images are displayed. It is like a small museum.The 11th floor is known as the special floor because it includes original text, artifacts, and images. The only way to access the floor is if someone’s professor puts something on hold. Once someone goes up they are required to leave everything at the front desk, they can only take is their phones to take pictures. No pens, notebooks, book bags, or other materials are allowed to insure that none of the artifacts get damaged. The students are provided with specific papers and pencils to write notes. You are then given a certain amount of time to analyze the book or artifact. This floor is also popular because from the window a view of the city can be observed.
While the Woodruff Library is the main library, there are two other sub libraries. One is the
media library which part of the 4th floor. The floor is full of computers, video cassettes, record players, and DVDs to observe various different types of media. There are also DVDs and records that can be checked out. The media library can be accessed directly from the main library. Part of this floor is Emory Center for Digital Scholarship Center. In the Digital Scholarship Center you can edit or work on films, create advertisement poster and flyers.
The Candler Library is another small library, it appears to be luxurious because it contains shiny wood book shelves, greek statues, small replicas of different places, leather couches, and designs engraved all across the top of the walls. The library is full of current and past newspapers, and periodicals. Long glossy tables are located in a room of library the which is where most of the students sit to study. Out of the 15 people that were there not one of them had a newspaper. This library also has its separate entrance so it can be accessed from the outside. From the outside you can observe the bridge that connects both libraries together.
Since most students go to the libraries in a group of 3 or four, they usually stay on the first

Tables section off by white boards so that students can have a study group session. Located on the first floor of the Emory library.
floor to study and eat snacks. No food is allowed in the library after the fourth floor. On the quiet floors 4-10 no one is really there, only about 3 people were on each floor. The students were either studying or using their headphones and looking out the window. Also no one really uses the technology that is provided by the library. Everyone using a computer either has their own or just uses a computer to locate a book in the library. This evidence greatly supports Khan’s argument when describing the usefulness of libraries, in which he states that a “[s]tudent mostly [visits a] library for reading books, preparation of assignment and consume spare time” (Khan). This is very true because during my observation no one took a book from the library, and no one really used the technological devices that are provided.
Khan, Nasrullah, et al. “Usefulness Of Library Resources Utilization By B.Ed. Students In Private Sector Universities In Khyberpahtoonkhwa, Pakistan.” Language In India 15.8 (2015): 223-232. Communication & Mass Media Complete. Web. 20 Feb. 2016.
“About Our Library.” Robert W. Woodruff Library. Atlanta University Center, n.d. Web. 07 Mar. 2016. <>.
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Planowanie układów elektrycznych w budynkach mieszkalnych jest procesem wymagającym precyzyjnego rozważenia potrzeb technicznych oraz zachowania standardów bezpieczeństwa.
Podstawowym elementem przygotowania projektu jest gwarancja bezpieczeństwa osób korzystających oraz efektywności
Przede wszystkim trzeba wykonać rzetelną ocenę warunków pracy systemu i zdefiniować przewidywane obciążenia i system ochrony przed porażeniem prądem.
Następnie polega na sporządzeniu kompletnego projektu instalacji, obejmującej schematy rozmieszczenia przewodów oraz specyfikację komponentów.
Niezbędnym aspektem planowania jest selekcja bezpiecznych materiałów, które muszą odpowiadać przepisy
bezpieczeństwa. Należy pamiętać, żeby każdy element wpływa na ogólne działanie instalacji.
Ponadto istotne jest także utrzymanie łatwej modernizacji i możliwości rozbudowy w miarę rozwoju technologii.
Reasumując, reguły tworzenia systemów elektrycznych opierają się na dokładnej analizie
i stosowaniu aktualnych standardów. Przemyślane realizacja projektu
gwarantuje niezawodne działanie instalacji oraz redukuje niebezpieczeństwa użytkowania.
Z tego względu każdy system musi być zgodny z obowiązującymi standardami,
co stanowi gwarancję efektywności oraz wydajności systemu.
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