Interview 4

Questions (that got the most valuable responses from this interview):

  1. What does a typical week look like for you a(n) … photographer/aspiring photographer/student photographer/photography professor/photography company?
  2. How and when did you first get into photography?
  3. Do you use any other equipment other than a camera when you take pictures?
  4. How much money was your first/current camera and/or any other equipment that you use to take photos?/How much money have you spent getting set up?
  5. What kind of pictures do you take?/What kind of photography inspires you?
  6. Would you like to make your photography into something you do for a living? If yes, what is the ideal set up? If not, does your future involve photography? Tell me about it either way.
  7. What are some hurdles you foresee that you might struggle with as you move up the ranks/continue with photography?


Interview Summary Interviewee 4:

  1. March 6, 2021, 11:30am, via video call
  2. Summarized bullet points of the interviewee responses including:
    1. Emotions: Lives and breathes photography, loves art and light, realistically optimistic about their future in photography
    2. Values: Believes that photography and all art shouldn’t be an elite club that is hard to get into, needs to loosen up how art is taught to people and needs to change who gets recognized as good just because of their connections or money rather than their actual talent
    3. What is the user trying to do: Trying to make in in the world of arts and photography, hopes to be famous/semi-famous and be able to inspire others with their photography
    4. Current Solutions: Finds budget ways to pay off expensive equipment and searches hard for the cheapest ways to get materials that work for the result they’re trying to produce
    5. Deficiencies of Current Solutions: not really and deficiencies, but for others might be hard to do if they don’t know what kind of budget materials would work for photography
    6. Typical Source of Advice/Knowledge: Internet, photographer friends and professors at their college
    7. Other Pertinent Information: would love a solution that included a mentor or some easier way to network with people in the photography world and share information