Personal Cultural Heritage

This painting is of a farm and a cornucopia. It connects to my cultural heritage because my family has always grown our food and loved to garden. I carry on this by growing food for my family every year. I think growing plants and providing by my own hands is enriching and makes me feel more in control of the future. I believe being able to feed your self is a skill everyone needs. I live with the goal of being self sufficient.

Walter Curlee, Horn of Plenty, July 2014Horn of Plenty


This painting is of shelves of books holding back a lake. I think the lake represents knowledge gained and supported by books and learning. I was raised to enjoy reading. My family are all teachers I am the only one that did not go into teaching. My cultural Heritage I stand behind learning and knowledge i would rather read a book than play video games or watch TV shows. Knowledge is power if you do not know something you should learn it.

Jacek Yerka, Shelves of Books, Unknown Date,  Shelves of Books




My biggest cultural Heritage is believing this painting is of seeing is to believe. It is everything I disagree with my family is all about belief in something larger than us. If you require proof to believe you are not believing. Religion requires a leap of faith one that a true believer should be able to do with out any proof. I do not have a specific faith as half of my family is Jewish and another portion is christian and others follow different faiths. To me one must believe in something greater than ones self.

Caravaggio, The Incredulity of Saint Thomas, 1603  The Incredulity of Saint Thomas


MEME’s are art they are used to convey feelings and emotion felt by the artist. I would say just like paintings memes are sometimes easier understood by a target population. As I have worked through this class I have come to realize that art does not need to be in a specific format. As our world changes so will the formats of our art. At first we used charcoal and walls of a cave, to finely made oil paints on canvas, and to now where art is made on a computer screen. We will always question how new things fit into the definitions of our world.

Truism Ownership

I have recently have been promoted to maintenance manager at my work. I was a supervisor over second shift I have seen many managers come in and fail. I was asked to step up to the challenge of taking a morale broken team of over worked mechanics and get our equipment run better. The biggest challenge that I have faced is having the mechanics own what they have done. I was faced with machines that have a patchwork of quick fixes done to them instead of quality repairs. This truism is now posted all over the maintenance shop to remind them to own the machines. This assignment has helped me professionally by making me think about my issues that face me at work.

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