Nebamun Hunting in the Marsh


Remake                                                                    Original


The content of the painting shows Nebamun hunting in a marsh it has many spiritual meanings behind the imagery. Like the cat symbolizes the sun god hunting the enemies of light and order also Nebamun is hunting in the fertile marsh showing his victory over nature according to the British Museum see  Nebamun hunting in the marsh. It was created in 1350 B.C. by the artist that created Nebamun’s tomb it was created to show his life accomplishments. This picture has great deal of context behind it Nebamun was considered a god in his culture. This picture shows him being victories over nature and how the sun god was working with him to fight enemies of light and order.

If we use a contextual analysis of the painting we see that many of the objects in the painting help us understand the meaning behind the painting. Such as the cat in formal analysis it is just a cat hunting with its master. But contextually we see that cats are religious symbols of the sun god.

If we use Psychological analysis we can look at the fact that Nebamun was considered a god amoung his people so the painter put him in that position he is larger than anything else in the picture. We see him aligned with the sun god working together to hunt and dominate nature.

This assignment was difficult to get the cats and chickens to behave and get them where I wanted them. I had to use a ton of chicken scratch to get them to stay still long enough to get the picture and the cat had to be harnessed to go outside and stay put. This our garden we lost some wheat doing this picture also we ussually keep the chickens out of this area because of there destructive behavior.


House on Fire

These are the items I would grab if my house was on fire if I knew my wife and three cats were out. From left to right the first is a shadow box my sister made for me when I completed boy scouts it shows everything I accomplished while a boy scout. I chose this Item because it represents most of my teenage years and all I learned from scouting.  The second is the certificate that shows that I achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. I choose it because it shows the achievement and completion of great magnitude. The next item is another Shadow Box that is for all of my achievements I gained while in cub scouts including a badge that shows I hiked to the peaks of seven mountains in a mountain range in California. The next item is a Shadow Box given to me by my chief when I got honorable discharged from the Navy. I choose it because it shows all I gained while in the Navy. In the center is a book it is my family bible it has been in my family since 1706 as my family traveled from Russia to Germany and finally to America it has been passed from eldest son to eldest son for generations. It reminds me of my background and those I represent. These items are material though If it came down to life of anyone and these items life will always win.

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