Call for Conference Theme Proposals

Every year, New Voices centers its conference theme on one or more of Fountainhead’s V-Series Readers*. This year, we would like to invite you to propose your ideas regarding our next conference theme!  

Help shape the 2015 New Voices conference by proposing and describing a conference theme involving death, humor, borders, any combination of two, or all three. This theme will determine our conference logo, fundraising events, mentoring sessions, and more, which makes it is a great chance to add a line to your CV and to receive recognition at the conference for your proposal.

Please submit the following information via the Call for Conference Proposals form. Your submission should include:

  • A 300 word proposal
  • A 2 sentence theme synopsis
  • Your contact information

Theme proposals are due April 21, 2014.Themes will be voted on via survey monkey by April 28, 2014, and the winner will be notified by email.

Please direct all questions regarding this call to the New Voices Planning Committee via e-mail at gsu.newvoices @

To download the flyer for this call, please select the Call for Conference Theme Proposals (PDF).

V-Series Selected for Conference Themes

Borders, by Isabel Baca

Death, by Rachelle M. Smith

Humor, V-series forthcoming

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