Summer Meetings

Hello Conference-plannning Readers!

As you can imagine, this summer has been very busy for many of us, here at Georgia State University.
Many of us were taking summer courses, which were kind of killer. For example, I now know more than I could ever have imagined I would ever know about Kenneth Burke and his books. I think my head grew just to fit it all in!

Also, this summer, the New Voices committee met two times to plan how to get the word out, and how to begin the process of attracting participants at the start of the Fall semester. Many of you came to the June meeting. Thank you for your support and participation.

Below I am including the minutes for both meetings. Please feel free to peruse the contents and provide any feedback on other schools you feel we need to contact. Also – New Voices invites all of you to contact your former schools to invite them to participate in our conference presentations.

We are excited to begin to build this conference with out new and incoming graduate students. Keep checking your mailboxes for new fliers. And please… please… if you are a GTA and you know any non-GTA grad students, please keep them in the loop, if you can. It is sometimes harder to reach non-GTAs because they do not have offices or mailboxes at which we can stalk them and flood them with information.

Minutes–June 19 NV Meeting

Minutes–27 July 2012-NV Meeting

As always, please let us know if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas!

Valerie Robin

Posted July 31, 2012 by Jennifer Olive in category Planning