New Voices Chair Search

Are you looking to add to your CV line? Want to have the competitive edge on the job market? Interested in the idea of running a conference?

If you’ve considered any of these possibilities, then New Voices is for you!

We are in the process of appointing a 2nd chairperson to the New Voices committee. This will be for a two-year tenure and your first year will be spent being trained by the 1st chair.  We have opened this search up to the entire English graduate student community. You do not need to have had previous experience volunteering for New Voices, just an interest in helping plan this growing graduate student conference.

To apply:

  • Send a letter of intent to by March 3rd
  • In your email, please provide several times you are able to meet with the 1st chair to discuss the position
  • 2nd Chair will be appointed at the March 7th 12:30pm New Voices Meeting (Grad student lounge in the English Department)

Remember, New Voices is open to all GSU English graduate students (M.A./Ph.D/Lit Studies/Comp Rhet/Creative Writing). If you are a member of the GEA (which you are), you are eligible to participate in this committee.

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Posted February 25, 2014 by Jennifer Olive in category Planning