lose lose situation…


Black lady being arrested by police for peacefully protesting in the street.


This picture shows a lady in a dress standing in the middle of the street. Two officers seem to be approaching her to arrest her. In the background you can see a line of officers as if there was a battle going on or a war zone.Other people in the back are watching as the look on this ladies face is very calm and peaceful. The image is front and center. Notice how the women is not being resentful. The side image allows you to see he posture as she is unafraid of the police but not fearful.The police on the left side show powers in numbers as the background on the right shows the lady all alone.This almost poses the question.. who is afraid of who?? She is being arrested for a peaceful protest. I never knew this was a crime or our right as Americans. Maybe is she were white she would have gotten away with this peaceful protest. We should all have equal rights to protest in peace and speak our mind.