nbritton1's Blog

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Syllabus Quiz

What are the major projects? In a bulleted list, provide links to the project descriptions for each of them.

The course has four major projects, but Participation is also listed under the heading of Projects. The major projects are:

  • Reading Annotations: http://atlspaceplacerhetf16.robinwharton.net/syllabus-course-info/#Annotations|2||Participation|1||Bibliography|0||BEDescriptions|0||BEAnalysis|0
  • Annotated Bibliography: http://atlspaceplacerhetf16.robinwharton.net/syllabus-course-info/#Annotations|0||Participation|1||Bibliography|2||BEDescriptions|0||BEAnalysis|0
  • Built Environment Descriptions: http://atlspaceplacerhetf16.robinwharton.net/syllabus-course-info/#Annotations|0||Participation|1||Bibliography|0||BEDescriptions|2||BEAnalysis|0
  • Built Environment Analysis: http://atlspaceplacerhetf16.robinwharton.net/syllabus-course-info/#Annotations|0||Participation|1||Bibliography|0||BEDescriptions|0||BEAnalysis|2
  • Participation

How will your final grade be calculated?

You will earn points for just about everything you do in this course–attending class, completing in-class work, studying, major projects, contributing material to our collaborative archive about the built environment in Atlanta, etc., etc. You can earn points on major projects as follows:

  • Reading Annotations (3, 300-600 points)
  • Annotated Bibliography (10 entries): 250-500 points
  • Built Environment Descriptions (3, 1 each for exterior, interior, digital space): 300-600 points
  • Built Environment Analysis (1): 300-600 points
  • Participation (including attendance): 400-???

You can also lose points for missing class, failing to turn in a project on time, coming to class unprepared, etc., etc. At the end of the course, if you have completed all four of the major projects (reading annotations, annotated bibliography, built environment descriptions, and built environment analysis), your letter grade will be assigned based on the points you’ve earned. In order to pass the course, you must complete all four of the major projects. FAILURE TO COMPLETE ANY OF THE MAJOR PROJECTS WILL RESULT IN AN AUTOMATIC GRADE OF “C-” or lower MEANING THAT YOU WILL HAVE TO RE-TAKE THE CLASS.

If you complete all of the major projects, come to class prepared, and miss only four class meetings, you will earn at least 1,675 points and a grade of “C.” If you complete all of the major projects, miss only four class meetings, and accrue 2,400 points you will automatically receive a “B.” Once you complete all of the major projects, miss no more than four class meetings, and accrue 2,800 points, you will automatically receive an A in the course!!!

Your points will be recorded on a Google doc, which will be shared with you and available for you to view at any time.
What is the “submission form” and how do you use it? Embed the form below your answer (hint: Google “embed Google form” to find out how).

Use this form to submit pretty much everything for which you’d like to earn points–study group reflections, major project drafts, contributions to our Atlanta built environment archive, etc. I will keep track of when you come to see me during office hours for individual or group conferences. For everything else, however, you will need to submit a link to evidence of your work on your own site, in Writer’s Help, on Zotero, on Google Maps, or elsewhere on the web.

Embed the course calendar and weekly overview below this question.

<iframe src=”https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?mode=AGENDA&height=600&wkst=1&bgcolor=%23FFFFFF&src=lcetjch6shvisuqe68cdh7sse8%40group.calendar.google.com&color=%2328754E&ctz=America%2FNew_York” style=”border-width:0″ width=”800″ height=”600″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe>

Where on the course website can you find an overview of what’s due and the readings for each unit? Under the heading “Weekly Overview,” there is an agenda and a list of due assignments. The calendar beside this feature shows assignments due on a weekly and monthly basis throughout the semester; by clicking on a specific date, you can view the assignments and reading due that date. The readings for each unit are under the texts and resources tab, and can be accessed by typing in the class password for texts.
What is the best way to see an overview of what’s due each week? All assignments are listed under the heading “Weekly Overview”

What is the attendance policy?

You earn points for coming to class and lose points for unexcused absences. You will earn 10 points for coming to class, and 10 points for required class preparation, for a total of 20 points per class. You lose 10 points for each absence or missed class prep assignment. Arriving to class late will result in a deduction of 5-10 points.

In this course, students are expected to adhere to the Georgia State University student code of conduct. This includes the university attendance policy. Excused absences are limited to university-sponsored events where you are representing GSU in an official capacity, religious holidays, and legal obligations such as jury duty or military service days. Absences for all other reasons will result in a points deduction as outlined above. In the event of extended illness or family emergency, I will consider requests for individual exemption from the general attendance policy on a case by case basis.
What are the two ways you can lose points? You lose points for each absence or missed class prep assignment. Arriving to class late will result in a deduction of 5-10 points.

What are my office hours, and how do you make an appointment to see me outside of class?

T/TH 9-11 am; email instructor at given email
How do you earn participation credit? Provide a link to the instructions/guidelines for participation.

If you complete all of the major projects, come to class prepared, and miss only four class meetings, you will earn at least 1,675 points and a grade of “C.” If you complete all of the major projects, miss only four class meetings, and accrue 2,400 points you will automatically receive a “B.” Once you complete all of the major projects, miss no more than four class meetings, and accrue 2,800 points, you will automatically receive an A in the course!!!

Syllabus & Course Info

How many points can you earn by participating in or organizing a study group session?

Up to 25
How can you be assured of earning an “A” in this course?

Once you complete all of the major projects, miss no more than four class meetings, and accrue 2,800 points, you will automatically receive an A in the course!!!
What are the minimum requirements for earning a passing grade of “C”?

If you complete all of the major projects, come to class prepared, and miss only four class meetings, you will earn at least 1,675 points and a grade of “C.”
What do you do if you’re not sure how to document your participation in order to earn points?

You will do this by writing up your work as a blog post and submitting the link to your post via the submission form, or submitting a link to the exercises in Writer’s Help.
What are the Unit 1 readings and which one would you like to annotate for Reading Annotation 1?

  • Thomas Carter and Elizabeth Collins Cromley, “Introduction,” from Invitation to Vernacular Architecture. (group 1)
  • James Deetz, “Parting Ways,” from In Small Things Forgotten: An Archaeology of Early American Life. (group 2)
  • Stephanie Fitzgerald, “The Cultural Work of a Mohegan Painted Basket,” from Early Native Literacies in New England: A Documentary and Critical Anthology. (group 3)
  • I am in Group 3


Answers found in course syllabus at http://atlspaceplacerhetf16.robinwharton.net/syllabus-course-info/#Overview||Annotations|1


nbritton1 • August 23, 2016

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