For this assignment I decided to search Succulents AND Sunlight. I chose this because I have been struggling keeping my succulent plants alive in my apartment and I believe that it is because they are not receiving enough sunlight. I chose three search engines (Google, Bing and Yahoo) and three meta-search engines (Dogpile, Webcrawler and MetaCrawler).
I found many similarities in the top 5 searches listed for each search engine. I found it interesting that not only were most of the results mainly the same, the order in which they appeared were very similar. I was most impressed with the results from the webcrawler meta-search engine because it gave me some results that the other search engines failed to list. I also noticed that there were significantly more advertisements posted on the meta-search engines compared to the regular search engines. This may be due to the meta-search engines not being as popular thus they require more advertisements to be able to afford the upkeep of the website.
My, what a *succulent* post. To scour the dry desert of the internet has quenched for my thirst for cacti information.