Succulents and Search Engines

For this assignment I decided to search Succulents AND Sunlight. I chose this because I have been struggling keeping my succulent plants alive in my apartment and I believe that it is because they are not receiving enough sunlight. I chose three search engines (Google, Bing and Yahoo) and three meta-search engines (Dogpile, Webcrawler and MetaCrawler).

I found many similarities in the top 5 searches listed for each search engine. I found it interesting that not only were most of the results mainly the same, the order in which they appeared were very similar. I was most impressed with the results from the webcrawler meta-search engine because it gave me some results that the other search engines failed to list. I also noticed that there were significantly more advertisements posted on the meta-search engines compared to the regular search engines. This may be due to the meta-search engines not being as popular thus they require more advertisements to be able to afford the upkeep of the website.

*Click on each table to see the results for that website*

3 Tips for Being Successful Online Student

  1. In an online class, it can be really easy to forget to turn in assignments before they are due. I find that something that is very helpful for me is to have reminders set on my phone. The easiest way to do this is to sign up for text notifications through iCollege, they will remind you two days before something is due that the deadline is coming up and will also remind you the day of and the day before. I have found this tool to be very helpful.
  2. I also suggest finding a work space that has no other purpose other than to do online work. This could be an entire separate room or just a specific seat or section of a room. I especially do not recommend doing work for class in your bed!
  3. Lastly I recommend logging onto iCollege at least for a few moments every day. This way if the professor had to change plans suddenly for whatever reason you won’t find out after it’s too late.

An Introduction to Me

Hey y’all! My name is Nyssa Bowen and I am a sophomore here at GSU! I’m 19 years old and will be 20 in September. I was born and raised in Cartersville, Georgia. I was a part of my High School Color Guard and initially chose GSU because of their guard program. After arriving here however I realized that guard was no longer my passion. I graduated from Cass High School back in the spring of 2017 and dual enrolled at Georgia Highlands College during my junior and senior of high school. I entered GSU with the goal of obtaining a mathematics degree however after one week in my Calculus 2 course I realized that I had made a horrible mistake. I am now pursuing a degree in Interdisciplinary Studies with a concentration in Human Learning and Development. I eventually hope to be an elementary school counselor. I enjoy the outdoors and love animals. I have a pet turtle named Dayton, a cat named Yoki and a dog named Tater. Faith is a large part of my life and I attend Passion City Church here in Atlanta. I’m super excited about what I can gain through this course and can’t wait to see what’s next!2016-06-15_17-21-51_000