AI Explanations (AI Composition Course)

During my search, I had found some gold nuggets of information on AI I had not come across before. One was the term “recipe” which is defined as a “set of rules and instructions that guide the ingestion, processing, scoring, enrichment, and filtering of content” (AI Glossary). While I am familiar with ‘prompt engineering,’ I had not previously come across ‘knowledge engineering.’ As defined by the AI Glossary, it is “a field of study focused on the design and development of knowledge-based systems that leverage explicit knowledge in the form of knowledge bases, rules, facts, ontologies, taxonomies, and databases.” Also, I had not considered using AI for personalized marketing before reading A.C. Abernathy’s piece.

In Cole Stryker and Eda Kavlakoglu’s article “What is artificial intelligence (AI)?” I found their definition of AI the most clear as they wrote, “Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technology that enables computers and machines to simulate human learning, comprehension, problem-solving, decision making, creativity, and autonomy.” However, I felt that the overall articles did not provide in-depth examples of specific AIs and focused more on blanket statements. To add, there was a sprinkle of information on narrow or weak AI versus strong AI. I felt there was more to go into this theoretical evolution of AI as I have heard more phases than just two. One thing I had previously known about was the substantial overlap between AI and information architecture. Some methods used between the two are data labeling, content analysis, information chunking, content filtering, indexing, segmenting, and taxonomy.

Article: AI Is Changing How We Search: We Need To Rethink Attribution
Author: A.C. Abernathy
URL: AI Is Changing How We Search: We Need To Rethink Attribution | by A.C. Abernathy | Jan, 2025 | Taco Powered Modem
Due to the fragmentation of how people search for products, owners should rethink how they sell and market their products. To improve visibility, they should have a strong media presence as well as make their website easily understandable so that AI can read it and in turn, be able to suggest it.

Article: Stanford just released its annual AI Index report. Here’s what it reveals
Author: James Fell
URL: The current state of AI, according to Stanford’s AI Index | World Economic Forum
The author condenses the top 10 takeaways from Standford University’s 7th AI Index report. While AI has led to advances in fields like science and more industry-academia collaboration, the companies who create these AI tools must still be held to a high standard of transparency.

Article: What is artificial intelligence (AI)?
Author: Cole Stryker & Eda Kavlakoglu
URL: What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? | IBM
The article provides a breakdown of the different ways AI learns through machine learning models. Deep learning, a subgroup of machine learning, is a powerful model that does not need supervision to understand uncategorized or labeled data.

Article: AI Glossary
Author: Not Listed
URL: AI Glossary: 80 Essential Artificial Intelligence Terms Explained
This glossary contains a total of 80 terms related to AI. Some terms used closely resemble terms within information architecture, which provides a strong sense of similarity between these two areas.

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