I used ChatGPT for this week’s AI assignment. Instead of using an argumentative essay protocol, I thought a presentation might provide more interesting answers due to the consideration of time, audience, and oratory.
Revised attempt + reason feature
Overall, I found my revised questions, paired with the reasoning feature ChatGPT now provides, to be more comprehensive. I believe this is due to the simplification of my answers and the fact that I provided more context at the beginning as well as be more chronological. The tweaking of my questions did seem to shake up the AI’s answers, but the language used for the rubrics sounded quite similar.
I did notice that the first attempt is similar in length to the revised reasoning attempt but provides breadth instead of depth. Two things I found better with the first attempt compared to the other attempts are the diversity of visual elements and a detailed preparation plan. In the future, I plan on sticking to the regular ChatGPT and will still ask multiple questions in the same message bubble, but I will be more thoughtful about context and chronology.