AI MetaComposition (AI Composition Course)

I believe AI will continue to extend the length of my brainstorming process as well as my willingness to think through writing issues instead of giving up or altering my initial plan. I feel more comfortable continuing to do a back-and-forth even if I only change one word in my writing prompt before asking its opinion. Having AI helps me get unstuck quicker and is a great tool for clarifying my message. However, I dislike the implementation of AI into programs such as Grammarly and Word. I want to fiddle with my ideas not my writing voice. So, I will change with AI through my thinking process, but not how I write. As for reading, I doubt it will change my habits as the AI conversations I have can be as long as an article. My reading patience is determined by how straightforward the material is. A piece can be long but still to the point.

“How could this be interpreted?”
“What would my thesis committee ask me if I make this change?”
“Does this sentence sound better than the previous one?”
“What should I also consider?”
“What gaps or fuzzy logic is in this outline?”
“If I wanted to change the angle to this, what would that change about the meaning of this paper?”
“Which of these titles fit my paper better and why?”

While I will contemplate on its answers, it is a hit-or-miss if I add the exact advice. The point is not for the AI to hand me the answer, but to make me think more and stimulate my creativity. I suppose I am more so curious about its reasoning than needing its answers.

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