
“Generally speaking, the errors in religion are dangerous; those in philosophy only ridiculous.” ―David Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature (Book I, Part IV, Section VII)


Tips for Succeeding in College
Too often, students enroll in online courses with the mistaken assumption the courses will take less time to “attend” and successfully complete.  An online course requires the same time commitments as does its on campus equivalent. Students should invest 9-12 hours each week in a full-term course and more for accelerated half term and summer versions of a course. Georgia State University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges and follows its guidelines on this matter (see SACSCOC Credit Hours Policy Statement). Students should view the time and effort they invest in their online courses as a necessary requirement for their success in mastering the material and concepts.  Here are links to sites which may help students budget their time.

Critical Thinking
PHIL 1010 – Critical Thinking (2)
Development of practical and logical skills important to all disciplines, with emphasis on standardizing and evaluating arguments. Students are introduced to types of arguments used across the humanities, the social sciences, and the natural sciences.

Critical Thinking Links

Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 2010 – Introduction to Philosophy (3)
We will explore some fascinating questions about human existence and discuss various answers offered by philosophers–questions such as: Does God exist? How should I live my life? What is justice? What is human nature? Do we have free will? What is the meaning of life?

Philosophy Links

Philosophy Videos: Galileo provides students with access to Films on Demand.  This is a great resource offering hundreds of films related to the various disciplines covered at GSU and other USG institutions.  You will need the current Galileo password (it changes periodically) to access the site (go here for information on the Galileo password).

Great Ideas of Philosophy I: “This series investigates core questions in philosophy, such as: Why is there something rather than nothing? What is right action? And what do we mean when we talk about the ‘mind’? Some of the world’s foremost contemporary philosophers—Richard Sorabji, Colin McGinn, Hilary Putnam, Frances Kamm, Alexander Nehamas, and Arthur Danto, to name only six—enlighten and enliven with their knowledge on these and other topics. ”

Great Ideas of Philosophy II: “Stimulating commentary by renowned philosophers whose lines of inquiry intersect the spheres of science, religion, politics, epistemology, and logic make this 6-part series an indispensable asset for the study of philosophical principles and approaches that are closely aligned with the activities and concerns of daily life. Interviews with some of the discipline’s top experts, excerpts from influential writings, and numerous on-screen charts, diagrams, and illustrations enhance each program.”

Introduction to Ethics
PHIL 2030 – Introduction to Ethics (3)
Are there universal moral truths or is morality relative. What makes actions right or wrong, people good or bad, societies just or unjust. Students will discuss ethical theories that address these questions and will debate moral issues, such as abortion, genetic engineering, animal rights, feminism, and social justice.

Ethics Links

Philosophy of Art
PHIL 2040 – Philosophy of Art (3)
This course is an introduction to the philosophy of art. The course will examine what role art plays in our lives by asking questions concerning the value of art, beauty, and by inquiring into the nature or essence of the work of art. In addition, the course will interrogate and discuss the work of art itself as a product of creativity, imagination, and understanding.

Introduction to Symbolic Logic
PHIL 2500 – Introduction to Symbolic Logic (3)
Introduction to the study of how to reason correctly and evaluate the validity of arguments, using symbols to represent statements.

Introduction to World Religions

RELS 2001 – Introduction to World Religions (3)
Introduction to the academic study of the world’s major religious traditions, including their beliefs, practices, sacred texts, and moral codes. Religions to be examined may include Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Native American traditions, and African religions.

Religious Studies Links