Freedom is What We Wanted

Dear John Lewis,

I hope that you know that your book is a refreshing new way to get students to understand the importance of these social issues. These subjects are particularly heavy, especially for people who are not used to seeing or hearing the stories of people that go through these tragedies. You were in jail during Freedom Day. People were beat for trying to provide food and water to people who were protesting. I can’t imagine having to witness it, or even go through it myself. The following assassination of President Kennedy was a major inconvience for civil rights activists. The COFO meetings gave a little hope, and created a movement culture! Reading through these pages only gets more intense. The disappearance of the three kids, was the most heartbreaking event that has happened so far. They were found, what was left of them was found, and my stomach dropped. 

I’m wondering if you knew that your book was going to be one of the textbooks used for freshmen college students in 2019. Do you know that you’re spreading awareness? I think it’s great. I know that we don’t have the same idea about racism ending, but I do enjoy that you’re doing whatever you can in order for it to be rid of one day. It’s inspiring. Today, we’re still doing protests, and trying to spread positive awareness for people who want to be educated or need to be educated on these issues. I hope one day, your goal comes true. Reading this book further on, it gives me a little more hope that there are people out there that have the same drive as you. Reading your book gives me more drive to try and help you reach your goal. I hope it will be brought to light.


Mo Ta