Hey y’all,

My name is Makayla Smith and I’m a creative. I’m a member of GSU’s film school, but after working on my first feature film I no longer desire to pursue a career in the film. I create many other things outside of film and one of those things is poetry. I’ve been consistently documenting my poetry for the past five years, but I’ve been a writer my whole life. I don’t plan on making a career out of being a writer, but I hope to utilize the structure of this course to explore creative mediums for me to display my poetry and possibly get published or self-publish my work. 

I currently know nothing about the writing industry or what authors need to do in order to mass distribute their work or to copyright their work. I plan to do some research to figure out the logistics of how those things work and get an idea of what I’d like to do concerning my works. I look forward to exploring these possibilities throughout the course. 

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