
During my time at Georgia State, I have written and edited a variety of projects. These projects range in genre and tone as I work on crafting a personalized cinematic style. With each video, I strive to constantly work on my writing and directing skills.  Below I’ve featured some of my best works to showcase them:  


Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon that occurs when a person falls asleep and wakes up during an R.E.M cycle, causing their mind to be awake before their body. In this state, a person cannot move or speak, and it often results in hallucinations and vivid dreams.

A girl falls asleep and unexpectedly “wakes up” and experiences sleep paralysis. She hallucinates and starts to visualize a figure in her room. Before she realizes, a pressure starts to weigh down on her as she becomes immobilized. Fear takes a hold as her mind fights to differentiate what is real and what is not.

Starring/ Directed by: Malhea Smith 



The best friend of an ex-mobster is ordered to take them out, but struggles with the morality of killing his friend. He pays a visit to their house to complete the hit but his friend insists that they share a drink. They both anticipate what is going to happen but with both of their lives at stake, they ultimately know that someone must go. 

Agent Payne got out of the mob life in the hopes of starting a new life, but his past has inevitably caught up to him. After arriving on his doorstep, Agent Owens grapples with the difficult decision he must make to protect his own life at the expense of his friend. 

Starring: Trevor Tilley and Cameron Simmons 

Directed by: Malhea Smith 
