Skills and Experience

Adobe Photoshop and lightroom 

Originally I was attracted to film because of my fascination with photography. Photography has provided me an outlet to create and express myself without explanation and understand what appeals to the eye. In my spare time, I enjoy editing photos I’ve taken, either on my camera or phone. It has been helpful to play around with the features on these apps because I’m able to utilize the same skills when editing films. 

I have an Instagram dedicated to photography @malheapix. Follow for new posts!


Going into college, I had no idea what my strong suits were. It took years of trial and error to figure out the filmmaking process but I was lucky enough to surround myself with people who share the same passion for film. My peers and I have formed a collaborative called Cosmic Cafe Productions. We are working to create and upload music videos and short films every month. Subscribe to our YouTube to see new videos! 


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