Weighty Changes (7)

After coming back from spring break, I had already decided that the first change I would make would be to add a headshot to my resume. I realized that the image I had previously put for my resume did not suit the overall message of professionalism of the resume which led me downtown to the Iris Booth at Georgia State. The resume looks more put together with a professional headshot so next was fixing the “About” page. I added more about my experience with my concentration in rhetoric and composition which supported my reason for choosing my major. I’m now focusing on being meticulous about the particular information I am adding to my “About” page and my “Portfolio” page. Additionally, another change I made was elevating the details on both the Education and Work Experience sections in my resume. I organized the appearance of the bullet points in my work experience to 3 instead of 2 and structured them to sound cohesive. In the Education section, I previously did not state what degree I was getting hence I put “Bachelor of Arts in English.” I added accomplishments in my Education section such as the Hope Scholarship and the Fanon Book Scholarship. Another change I made was changing the title tags to be more engaging and not simple. 

What I plan to do next week is change the index.html button with an appealing phrase. As of now, my phrase is “Click Here” which is plain and not engaging in my view. I will be adding 2 posts to my Portfolio page to better showcase the work I’ve done as an English Major. Another action I will be focusing on is fixing minor details that can enhance the appearance of my website for my audience. For example, ensuring the color scheme is balanced will allow my audience to not be distracted from my information. Also, I’m not yet satisfied with my website, and I will be changing my resume photo again because I did not wear professional attire. My resume page still feels a bit empty which is another focus I will be fixated on next week. Lastly, I have to focus on the percentage meters because they are not fully representative. I’ll be looking through each page again and fixing sentence structures and information to showcase precise editing.