Since last week involved learning how to upload work onto my portfolio, it was much easier to upload more this week. This week I uploaded 4 new works that involved a multimodal project of a website, essays, and a junk mail assignment. I also changed the font color to dark pink for the headlines under the images of the work I uploaded. Adding color to the website felt adequate for making a visually engaging site and since I added descriptions of the work I felt that all black font was cluttering the site. For this week I also focused on the appearance of the images and testing numbers for the width and height to make the image appear coordinated.
Next week, I want to add more work I’ve done as an English major to my portfolio to showcase a variety of work. I am now starting to think about my audience and putting myself in their position about what my site tells them. In other words, the message my site gives and what my clear purpose is. I will still be focusing on adding more content next week, looking through each section of my site, and adding final touches to make a unified website.