First Post for Digital Writing and Publishing

I am Megan Rourk, a senior Media Entrepreneurship major graduating this December. I am planning on working as a photographer after graduation. I want to explore photojournalism, portrait, and elopement photography.

I have already begun building a portfolio of my work but I would like to learn how to write about my work and better market myself. I have a clear sense of what I do and can discuss my work well verbally, but struggle to convey my message through writing. I hope to learn how to better write about my career to market myself to future publishers, magazines, and other employers looking for photographers. 

One Reply to “First Post for Digital Writing and Publishing”

  1. George Pullman says: Reply

    Hi Megan,
    Elopement photography?! Never heard of that but it sounds like a cool niche. I’m eager to hear what Claude and ChatGPT have to say about what photojournalism is and how one gets into it.

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