Nature Inspirations: Wicket’s Bed

For this project, our studio art class turned to nature to create artworks. We wanted to focus on something that is impermanent, much like the state of nature itself, and create works based off of that. There was a lot of freedom with this assignment, which made us produce a wide variety of works.

For my piece, I was inspired by the leaf gradients of Andy Goldsworthy, and I really wanted to lean into the temporary and futile nature of land art. I had a few ideas coming into this, I knew I wanted to work with the leaves in my backyard, but I was really inspired when I saw my dog laying in the grass. I love my dog, Wicket, so much – I feel as if he’s left his own mark on my heart. So I wanted to channel that feeling of warmth and love for my dog in my piece, and leave “his mark” on nature. He loves being outdoors, too, more than anything, so I felt it was fitting. I gave myself some parameters: I can only work on the “form” for as long as he is sitting in that space; once he leaves or moves, I have to stop. I allowed myself to continue the gradient, but I didn’t want to add to a form whose basis wasn’t there anymore. I layered them as a gradient, some leaves are on top of each other, some aren’t, but my main intention was keeping that form and extending the gradient. I also placed a few scattered leaves to emphasize it’s “incompleteness”.

image of leaves

I had fun – it was a bit hard on my body to go and gather the leaves, funny enough, but I had fun placing and configuring them. Of course, I also enjoyed my time with my dog. He actually started eating the leaves, and would eat every leaf I put near him, but eventually he stopped and I managed to make an outline before he got bored/left. He actually came back to be with my again as I finished placing the rest of my gradient, which I thought was ironic, in a sweet way.

dog with leaves
dog eating leafdog eating leaves
leaves low angleleaves lowest angle
Project Information
Date Completed: October 2023 
Medium: Nature; Found leaves from backyard.
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