Does Drawing out your Future actually work?
In this Ted talk Patti Dobrowolski proved that drawing out your future and training your brain works; you can change your reality into your dream life in just three bold steps. Before continuing on the steps she explained what the odds were and the research showed that you making a change in your life is 9 to 1, even if your life depended on it. She then continued on to explain how we can beat those odds “In order to achieve it you have to see it, believe it and then graciously ask and train your brain to help you execute your vision.”(Dobrowolski). The very first step is to draw out your everyday life, by you drawing a description of your life it will expose all the things you like and dislike about it, which will make it easier to correct the changes you want to make. Once you have completed that picture draw out another one but this time make it a picture of the life you wish to have. A few people would probably think this is silly but it actually helps, in the ted talk Patti told us that at Roche Pharmaceutical the president asked them to create a picture of his vision. In the video she stated “prior to having one, less than 40% of the employees understood the company’s vision and strategy. After seeing the picture, 96% people understood it and 84% noticed that what they did in everyday life aligned to the picture” (Dobrowolski). Taking the extra step drawing out your vision can help you become that much closer to the life you desire to have.
If you’re having a problem with creating your vision board try the method where you trick your brain into allowing you to dream freely. The left side of your brain is labeled as the critic side, the side that reminds you of reality and the side that tries to eliminate risk. However, this is where the tricking begins Patti quoted, “tell the left side of your brain that you’re just going to use your imagination and using your imagination activates the right side of your brain which makes you creative and filled with possibilities”(Dobrowolski). The vision of your future is already in formation you can now start making that picture come to life by adding color, emotion and imagining yourself living that life. Most people become even more determine about a goal when they can physically see progress, they start to believe that it’s possible. Pattie quoted, “Your brain actually emits serotonin and oxytocin when you draw and dream, so you feel happy, capable, creative and cool.” (Dobrowolski).The most asked questioned right now is “how can you transform your written dream into a reality?” the answer is to act on it. In order to complete these steps and beat the odds you must take action; a plan with no action is useless. In this ted talk it has been proven that drawing out your future does indeed work and you can train your brain.