My Story, My Dreams, and My Goals

Moneja standing outside of the B building

Hi! My name is Moneja and I was born in Savannah Georgia, my family and I moved to Atlanta when I was about 13 or 14. In 2015 I graduated high school and then went on to college (Perimeter). A lot of people chose to take a break before starting school, however I wanted to be done as soon as possible. Fast forward 2 years later, I started to feel overwhelmed as school became a little more challenging and slightly confused because I still wasn’t sure what I wanted to major in. Between taking quizzes/test, studying, doing my readings, assignments, and everyday life there was no time for anything fun. Also being a full time student I wasn’t able to have a job and focus 100 percent on school, and without a job there was no extra funds. 

My older sister and I both agreed to take a break from school but we also promised each-other that we will be productive on our break. Our goal was to buy a home, we then began to start working and saving. A year later at 21 and 23 years old we purchased our first home. Although the whole buying process was very tedious and a little annoying we still managed to get the job done and it was well worth it. After we completed our goal with the house we knew we wanted to do more than just work and pay bills. We wanted to become entrepreneurs and in order to break that cycle and make a smooth transition we would have to go back to school. Now we’re back in school and planning to finish, this part of my life is called chasing my dreams and checking off my goals.

My dream as a kid has always been to be “rich, famous, and successful”, those were my exact words any time someone would ask. To go even more into detail I wanted to be an actress and to be completely honest that dream still hasn’t changed the list just got longer. As of 2020 my dreams are to own properties/ get into real estate and own a five star hotel like the W. The main goal for me is to have multiple streams of income. On a much lighter note of my dreams, I still want to become that great actress, high fashion model and even be Miss USA one day, I genuinely would like to do it all. 

My goal for this class is to not only make an “A” but to take every lesson that I’ve learned and apply it to my everyday life. Leaving Perimeter and coming back I realized that the pressure of real life and the real world is way harder than school. I would much rather push through school, start my career, and live a happy way less stressful life. Some great study habits that I’ve developed and I feel works best for is breaking my work down into sections and not just cramming everything in. I learned that being organized and managing your time is very important. If you’re not organized its going to show and you’re bound to stress yourself out trying to survive the semester. A great way to stay organized is to buy those extra supplies that you need like, dividers, special folders to keep your work in, or even a planner; those helped me out a lot. If you’re not managing your time then you’re definitely going to struggle a little bit. Here’s some tips try not to spend so much time on things, break your work down into sections, make sure you’re taking necessary breaks that way you’re not overwhelming yourself with work, and grab yourself a planner.


To sum up my personality it would be Cher Horowitz:

To sum up my Dreams: I want to be great, hard working, and successful.


To sum up my goals, I want to be on the Forbes list.

What’s inside of the mind of a Procrastinator? #JustThink6

Our Ted Talk speaker today is a government major by the name of Tim Urban. Tim Urban will be speaking about procrastinating and explaining why we procrastinate from his point of view. In a non-procrastinator head there’s only the voice of a rational decision maker, procrastinating does not exists. The procrastinator on the other hand has two voices they tend to listen to those voices are the rational decision maker and the Instant gratification monkey. The instant gratification monkey is the voice that wants to stir away from any hard, boring, or long time consuming things. When the rational decision maker starts doing its job the monkey is always there disagreeing and changing the plan. In the ted talk Tim stated, “The Instant Gratification Monkey lives entirely in the present moment. He has no memory of the past, no knowledge of the future and he only cares about two things easy and fun” (Urban). Easy and fun are all the things that a human needs to live by besides having a goodnights rest and being well fed according to the monkey. These things may have worked in tribal time but were in modern day where we actually have to work hard and make rational decisions to live a happy successful life. Rationally thinking helps you make some of the best decisions in your life, Tim stated “We can visualize the future, we can see the big picture, and make long term plans” (Urban). The rational decision maker just wants us to do whatever makes sense to be doing right now.

Although rational decision making seems like the best thing we should be doing, it isn’t called for in every single situation. For example having dinner, going to bed, or on leisure time; you don’t need to think too hard and that’s when rational decision making and the instant gratification monkey overlap. They overlap because they both finally agree on something that works for the both of them. When it comes to securing your future and being successful you’ll most definitely consider listening to the rational decision making voice. Tim then went on to say, “Sometimes they agree but other times it makes more sense to be doing things that are harder and less pleasant for the sake of the big picture” (Urban). This is also when conflict starts to happen, due dates and paper work are starting to catch up and the monkey doesn’t want to give up having fun for the boring work. Things get a little shaky and the panic monster comes out, Tim stated, “The panic monster is dormant most of the time but wakes anytime a deadline gets too close or there’s danger of public embarrassment a career disaster or some other scary consequence” (Urban). Being that the panic monster is the only thing that scares off the monkey, it cause the procrastinator to procrastinate the entire time until their deadline.

The Newer Generation and the Internet #Blog4


Are the children in this new generation more advanced or social because of the internet? In my opinion I believe they are more advanced for the simple fact that they grew up with the Internet right at their fingertips. The internet is filled with information and games that can help them learn quicker and process easier. Not only can the newer generation process the information quicker but they can also learn multiple things at once because of technology. I also believe they are much more social than the older generation because of things like Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook etc. The older generation including a small portion of mine didn’t have any of that growing up. If we wanted to meet people we did it the old fashion way which was meeting through school, church, or family member friends. The internet is crippling the newer generation to where they have to do little to nothing to find information and actually learn the process. On the other hand the internet is also creating geniuses, some of the main things that are crippling them are also beneficial to them. Two of the main reasons that are quite noticeable would be them not getting the physical feel of learning the information such as writing it down to understand and/or actually trying to solve problems instead of looking them up.

However, because of the great sources and learning games that are out here for kids; they become hooked and eager to learn. I have younger cousins who were born in between the years of 2000-2011 and they sometimes expose me to different things on the internet rather it be educational or a simple short cut to get on or off sites. The younger generation and their conversations are becoming more advance every day. They can actually sit and hold a conversation with maybe one or two sidetracks happening. There are about 80% of kids that range from the ages of 12-17 years who are into social media. This is proven by a research done in 2005 by Pew Research Center (PRC) and could have possibly grown more over the years. The 80% of kids that are actively on social media are a lot more social than the 20% that aren’t involved with social media. In the article Mason stated, “Nowadays, most of kids aged 2-3 years have familiarized themselves with internet, and playing cell phone and video games. Technology has advanced, and children have acquired lot of knowledge (Mason, 2012).” The internet became a part of everyday life for the newer generation, there is not much they find interesting to do that does not include social media. Not only has it been proven that their social skills are amazing but their learning skills are phenomenal as well. Children today are evolving fast and are smarter than children of the same age in the last generation. The internet and social media has severed a great purpose for the current generation and the ones that are to come.

A study that was led by Michigan State University psychologist Linda Jackson, PhD, showed that the kids that are using the internet for school has improved standardized reading test scores. Also there were other researchers that came across information that explained how using the internet has taught children to be more self-directed learners. In the article it stated, “By engaging their brains in more complex tasks at a younger stage in their lives, toddlers are improving cognition and critical review skills, and displaying a more advanced understanding of both virtual and real worlds.” Says Linda Jackson. “The Fifth Dimension, show that children who participated in the program had greater advances in reading, mathematics, computer knowledge, following directions, and grammar and had higher scores on school achievement tests, compared with children who did not participate.” (Subrahmanyam 2013). When it comes to the youth being more advanced and social than the older generation, it is very much true. Being that the youth can not only learn from someone like their parents or teachers but they can also teach themselves new things. Surfing the web and finding games that are not only fun but beneficial to their knowledge is already a leg up on the older generation.

In conclusion, over the course of the years many things have changed from the kids in the generation to the internet and technology. Children today are a lot more advanced and are rapidly developing useful skills that are putting them a little further than their time knowledge wise. Some of the skills I am referring to are skills that are required for them to understand language, numbers, to reason, problem solve, learn and remember. There have been numerous facts proven including the ones that I have stated previously that proves that the younger generation is more social and advance.

Juveniles being tried as Adults #Blog3


In chapter 8 of “Just Mercy” the topic is on juveniles being prosecuted and tried as adults for murder crimes. Bryan Stevenson is telling us four different juvenile’s stories; from their up-bringing to their situations that caused them to be prosecuted. All four stories had something in common, either they came from broken homes, poverty, mental issues or were traumatized somewhere down the line. Each juvenile (which by the way are all African American), committed a crime and got the maximum punishment even though they were all under the age limit. Although these crimes were not intentional they were still put on trial and was sentenced the time. Fourteen year old Trina (later turned 16), thirteen year old Ian and thirteen year old Antonio were sentenced to life in prison with no parole. The title of this chapter is called “All God’s Children”, to me this means regardless of their poor choices they are all still God’s children who deserve a second chance at life. Also considering the fact that they are still learning and growing. The last kid, fourteen year old Gregory Stinney was executed for a crime he didn’t even commit. Greg thought he was helping by telling a man at the search party where he had last saw the girls before they disappeared. Being that he’s an African American boy, they assumed that he had something to do with it and sent him to death row.

A main topic/issue in this chapter is how children are being tried as adults and receiving life as a punishment. Although the crimes they have committed are unforgivable to the victim’s family and friends, sentencing kids to life in prison is a little harsh considering the fact that they are still very young and learning. Another important topic/issue in this chapter is how troubled households can lead children to prison. Each child’s tragic ending stemmed from problems at home, whether it was mental abuse or physical abuse. If most kids came from positive homes with both parents who support them and paid more attention to them there would be less kids committing senseless crimes. Also another topic is male guards raping/sexually assaulting female inmates in the prisons, in the article it stated “Not long after Trina arrived at Muncy, a male correctional officer pulled her into a secluded area and raped her” (Bryan Stevenson pg150). The officer walked away freely with his punishment only being the loss of his job, not even a criminal prosecution.

After spending eighteen years in jail Ian finally worked up the courage to call Mrs. Baigre and speak about the incident. In the book it stated “On Christmas Eve in 1992, he used his call to reach out to Debbie Baigre, the woman he shot. When she answered the phone, Ian spilled out an emotional apology, expressing his deep regret and remorse” (Bryan Stevenson pg153). In that moment I knew that Ian actually had a heart and a conscious, he wasn’t this cold hearted criminal that everyone saw him to be when he was thirteen. Being that Ian committed such a crime the justice system believed that he would remain the exact same way he was when he was thirteen and they decided to lock him away forever. I believe in second chances especially when it comes to someone who owns up to their mistakes and actually has learned from them. I am in no way saying that he doesn’t deserve any kind of punishment at all, I’m just saying there should have been steps before he reached life in prison especially if the victim did not die. Even Mrs. Debbie Baigre herself believed that his punishment was too harsh In the chapter it stated, “After communicating with Ian for several years, Baigre wrote the court and told the judge who sentenced Ian of her conviction that his sentence was too harsh and that his conditions of confinement were inhumane” (Mrs. Baigre pg153). That was a huge favor that Mrs. Baigre had done for Ian but she truly believed that he had learned his lesson. Most people probably wouldn’t have given Ian the time of the day considering what he had done. She even took time out of her day to write a letter to request his release which takes a strong kind hearted person to do so. Also the fact that Ms. Debbie saw the good in him despite all the damage that he has caused in her life was amazing to me.



Is Social Media Disconnecting us? #JustThink5


Today’s Ted talk topic is on how social media makes us unsocial and how it’s disconnecting us from a lot of things. Our speaker in this ted talk is Allison Graham, Allison Graham is going to explain to us the effects that social media has on us and how we can make a change. In 2001 a poll was taken and it asked how many close friends does an average American have; the results came up to be 10 really close friends. About 13 years later they took the same exact poll and this time the results were the average American only have 2 really close friends. As you can see the increase in years of using social media people became less social causing a decrease in friendships and making new friends. There are three steps to solving this social/disconnection problem that we have upon us; the three steps are spotting the problem, what caused the problem, and fix the problem. A study showed that we check/touch our phone about 150 times a day broken down between messages, calls/voice mails, and social media. Allison also added how she see people out places with their family, on a date, or even at a function and wonder how they are able to enjoy themselves when they don’t even take time off their phones and live.

At this point our problem is pretty clear, we pay more attention to our phones than anything else that’s going on around us. Majority of the world lives life through social media in the ted talk Allison stated that we upload 1.8 billion pictures a day to Facebook, that’s a little over a 6 of the population. Most people pretend to be this perfect person or to live a perfect life and to keep anyone from exposing them they try to live a low profile life and not make any friends. In some cases they are so wrapped up in the social media world that they don’t have time to make friends or maybe they just don’t know how to make friends and that’s the disconnection problem we have. Also because of social media and our phones we have shorten our vocabulary, Allison then stated “when we abbreviate our vocabulary what we risk is losing the nuances and subtleties and intimate parts of our personalities that make up our very rich American vocabulary.” (Allison Graham) On social media we use words like lol, omg, otw etc. causing us to not think as hard. Have you ever had that moment where you forget how to spell the simplest words? Your phone is part of that reason why. Allison then went on to say “with shortening things we lose and run the risk of not being able to fully express ourselves and communicate as we move forward and that losing vocabulary equals a potential loss of being able to express ourselves.” (Allison Graham) Although there are still many people who don’t believe that our phones and social media is the cause of this disconnection, these facts have proved that it has indeed changed us in many ways.

Our phones and social media have become our biggest distractions in life. For example, we can be on our way somewhere and leave our phone home. Some of us if we could we would turn back around even though we were half way there to a very important meeting. For the other half who couldn’t turn around, us not having our phones would be on our mind all day. Most people could not even have a productive day without their phones; they would be a little thrown off. Because people can’t seem to stay off their phones for 5mins, texting and driving has become the number one cause of deaths especially by teens. In the Ted talk Allison used texting and driving and the normal speed as an example, “If you’re driving 55mph and you look down at your phone for five seconds you just now have driven the length of an entire football field completely blindfolded.” (Allison Graham) Just imagining that seems very scary to me and it sounds extremely dangerous. A few years ago the cause of most car deaths were because of drinking and driving. If we want to prevent these distractions and disconnections we have to encourage each other to put our phones down and live in the moment. Encourage each other to put our phones down for at least an hour a day and eventually we can extend the time until the point where we don’t need our phones to have fun.





Why we shouldn’t use lethal injection as a punishment #JustThink4



Lethal injection is “the practice of injecting one or more drugs into a person for the express purpose of causing immediate death” ( Lethal injection falls under the category capital punishment and is often compared to euthanasia and suicide; they all are intentional deaths. Lethal injection consist of three drugs that are supposed to kill a person immediately without any pain or suffering; these three drugs include Barbiturate, Paralytic, and Potassium solution. Sodium thiopental or sometimes pentobarbital are used as the anesthetic, they are both short acts of barbiturate. Barbiturate is the first effecting drug that puts the inmate to sleep and gives them the inability to feel any pain. This drug immediately effects the body within the first 30 seconds and even quicker sometimes if you add more doses of the drug. The typical amount that is highly used is 0.35 grams and that amount alone will make you unconscious within the first 30 seconds. After the injection, 15% of it has already reached the brain along with other body parts within 5 to 25 minutes.

The next drug is called Paralytic and is often referred to as pancuronium bromine or pavulon, this drug blocks the acetylcholine from working, paralyzing the muscles and cause respiratory arrest. The acetylcholine functions in the brain and the body, “binding of acetylcholine to receptors on the end plate causes depolarization and contraction of the muscle fiber” ( They use about 0.2 mg/kg of this drug and with that dosage it paralyzes the person for 4 to 8 hours but the consumer will be dead way before that. Potassium Chloride is the last drug used in lethal injection, it stops the heart from pumping. The proper amount they use for the lethal injection is 100mEq, it has to be given slowly because it takes a while before the other drug to get into the cells.

There are several issues with death by lethal injection and one of them is being uneducated/unfamiliar with lethal injection. When lethal injection first became a thing, many of them were not doing their homework; in the article it stated, “Department of Corrections personnel “did not conduct any independent or scientific or medical studies or consult any medical professionals concerning the drugs and dosage amounts to be injected into the condemned” (Galeopposingview). Knowing what you are doing is very important especially when dealing with something that is as dangerous and life threating as lethal injection. The executioners often overlook and/or ignore the inmate’s physical characteristics like “the body weight, age, and their past drug uses” (GaleOpposingView). Overlooking something is another issue we have and being that we are humans this mistake may happen often. Dealing with lethal injection you have to be very observant, cautious, and well aware of what you are doing; if not things can end very badly for the person who is taking in the injections. Injecting too little of the first drug can cause the inmate to regain consciousness when the last two drugs start to kick in. The second drug will make the inmate paralyzed but not invincible to the pain. The inmate will now have to sit and suffer; this is what makes lethal injection inhumane.

Leonidas Konaries is a doctor who was very concern about the usage of lethal injection. He and colleagues analyzed multiple cases in three different states (California, North Carolina, and Virginia) and later reported thiopental and potassium does not always do its job. In the article, it quoted “individuals undergoing execution have continued to breathe after the injection of thiopental, and their hearts have continued to beat following injection of potassium” (Konaries). Death by lethal injection is not the sanest way to die, in the book “Just Mercy” it briefly mentioned lethal injection and was looked at as inhumane, risky, and a cruel punishment.

Abolishing the Death Penalty #JustThink3

Should the Death Penalty be Abolished?

The argument on whether or not the Death Penalty should be abolished or continued has been questioned and spoken about for years. The information that I have accumulated states valid reasons as to why execution should not be allowed. These reasons include wrongful executions, cost, and harm to the prison workers. The Troy Davis Story is an great example of wrongful executions, he was an innocent person who was accused of a crime that he did not commit. He and a friend by name of Sylvester Coles went to the store that night, Sylvester got into an altercation with a homeless man. An off-duty cop Mark McPhail came to resolve the issue and ended up being shot and killed. Although there were witnesses who saw Cole commit the crime Troy Davis was still convicted; in the article it stated, “Coles admitted to carrying a .38 that night and several other witnesses implicated Coles as the shooter. Yet Coles was never treated as a suspect. Davis was convicted of murder based on scant physical evidence and the testimony of nine witnesses, seven of whom later recanted their testimony or admitted it was false” (Langley). Troy Davis was sadly executed years later, a great way to prevent any wrongful executions from happening would be to get rid of the death penalty all together. A man by the name of Freddie Lee Pitts was also accused of a crime he did not commit he stated, “You can release a man from jail but you can’t release him from the grave” (Pitts). Luckily for Freddie they actually caught the right person and released him from death row. Freddie Pitts was one of very few who have been accused of a crime they did not commit and exonerated from death row.

The next reason people wish for the death penalty to be abolish is because of the cost/expenses. The death penalty is indeed expensive and most people aren’t t too happy about the funds for it being taken out of their taxes. They believe that its unnecessary spending In the NCADP article it stated, “Funding for the death penalty could be redirected to support expanded services for victims and their families, including grief counseling, funeral costs, school tuition scholarships or grants for children of murdered parents, paid leave from work to attend court proceedings, crime scene cleanup, emergency funds, and medical treatment” ( Not only is it unnecessary money being spend but it’s also harmful to the employees at the prisons. These executions take awful tolls on the prison workers especially those that are in the room and directly hands on. One man by the name of Ron McAndrew who happens to be a retired Warden at Florida State Prison mentioned how sometimes at night he would wake up and envision executed inmates on the edge of his bed. Mr. McAndrew was not the only worker having nightmares and flashbacks of the execution, more workers confessed their experiences. Being a part of a job like this force you to realize that you are knowingly participating in killing another human being and most people cannot handle that kind of pressure. Mr. Jerry Givens who is a retired Executioner at the Virginia Department of Corrections quoted, “If you let the judge be the executioner, I think he would give a second thought about sending somebody to be executed” (Givens). I too believe that they would look at things a little different if the shoe was on the other foot, my judges probably couldn’t even imagine what these people have to live with.

If you want to read my about Abolishing the Death penalty click this link AbolishTheDeathPenalty


Favorite Movie #Blog2

My favorite Movie

I have so many favorite movies but the first one that came to my mind was “Clueless”. Clueless is a movie that was released in 1995 based on a rich, stylish, hip teenager named “Cher Horowitz”. She lives in Beverly Hills with her father who is a successful lawyer, her mother died when she was an infant after a bad surgery. Cher is juggling school, growing up, boys and having a social life. This pretty much sums up what most high school girls are facing and just about anybody can relate to a character in this movie disregarding the fact that they are rich. Alicia Silverstone plays the character “Cher” and her bestfriend “Dionne” is played by Stacey Dash, you’ll mainly see them both through out the movie.

I love everything about “Clueless” the style, the slang, the locations and how well each character played their role. The styles in each of the scenes were amazing, Cher and her best friend Dionne served looks throughout the entire movie. I’m in love with the whole 90’s era so pretty much everything in this movie was cool to me, even the huge flip phones and pagers. I feel like I relate most to the character Cher because she’s dramatic, likes to have fun, and nonchalant but yet still care about her grades, friends, and family. In high school this was literally all I cared about and even now I’m still carefree just with slightly more responsibility which is fine because that comes with growing up. Being that Cher is the daughter of a lawyer she has developed extensive conversation skills. She is very social and can pretty much talk herself out of anything, she even convinced her teacher to give her an “A” on her report card. Also I love how realistic they made the characters in the movie, the accuracy in the school scene when Cher and half the girls in her gym class tried to talk their way out of playing softball, that was so me. I can honestly watch “Clueless” just about every day and not get tired of it.

Are the Voters behind the Grammys being Unfair? #Blog1


On Sunday February 12th the 59th Annual Grammy Awards ceremony was aired and quickly became the most talked about show that night. Most people turned their attention to the “Album of the Year” category when they heard the nominees and the winner being announced. Adele’s “25” album was announced as the winner over Beyoncé’s “Lemonade” album and social media went wild. People were confused as to how Adele won over Beyoncé when “Lemonade” was not only a great album; it came with visuals, a message, and not to mention it was a secret album. Beyoncé did not give any warnings meaning there were no signs, no interviews were made, or album promotions and she still topped the charts when her album was released. When things weren’t adding up the people started to question the voters that were in charge of declaring the winner in the category. The next morning an article was released and confirmed how unaware the voters were, in the article it stated “The members of the Recording Academy, who decide which musicians receive Grammy’s, aren’t necessarily the most diverse group of individuals, critics often claim. One Grammy voter told Billboard earlier this month that many voters are older white males, while others are out of touch with some of the newer genres, therefore limiting the artists awarded” (Hautman). Judging by the given information it would be safe to say that the votes are indeed a little unfair.

There are many things that can make voting unfair when it comes to music but in this case it would be the lack of knowledge and voters that only like one genre/sound. A grammy voter by the name of Rob Kenner explained how unfair the voting is and how he chose to go about it. In the article Rob quoted, “The vast majority of the nominations are chosen by people who have little real expertise in a given field. I refrained from voting in heavy metal and classical because I know very little about those genres. But I could have if I wanted to, and that strikes me as a problem” (Kenner). Now that articles are surfacing about the unfairness, people began questioning if this is history repeating itself racially. In this article Nicholas stated, “The Grammys have historically overlooked black artist through the years. The last black artist to win Album of the Year was Herbie Hancock in 2008. The last black woman? Lauryn Hill in 1999” (Hautman). Although race may not be the case, it became a popular question after hearing about what goes on behind the scene.

Adele and Beyoncé both had great albums and according to the billboards they both held the number one title when their albums were released. However, their strategies were a bit different and could have been the reason why “Lemonade” did not win. Beyoncé did a more modern day release and made it exclusive to hear; she released her album on Tidal and blocked any other sites from downloading it as well as any physical copies being made. Adele on the other hand did the opposite in the article it stated, “It’s also possible that voters simply appreciated the old-school release of Adele’s 25. The album was originally sold only as a physical CD and on digital retailers, such as iTunes, rather than streaming platforms like Spotify and Tidal. The strategy worked as Adele sold nearly 7.5 million units by the end of 2015, a near impossible feat in today’s streaming age” (Hautman). Being that most of the voters were older white males made a little more since to me than any of the other accusations. There is a possibility that they are just a little out of touch with “Lemonade”, it is an album made to empower women.

If you want to read more here is the link to the article usmagazinearticle .


Brighter Future #JustThink2

Does Drawing out your Future actually work?

In this Ted talk Patti Dobrowolski proved that drawing out your future and training your brain works; you can change your reality into your dream life in just three bold steps. Before continuing on the steps she explained what the odds were and the research showed that you making a change in your life is 9 to 1, even if your life depended on it. She then continued on to explain how we can beat those odds “In order to achieve it you have to see it, believe it and then graciously ask and train your brain to help you execute your vision.”(Dobrowolski). The very first step is to draw out your everyday life, by you drawing a description of your life it will expose all the things you like and dislike about it, which will make it easier to correct the changes you want to make. Once you have completed that picture draw out another one but this time make it a picture of the life you wish to have. A few people would probably think this is silly but it actually helps, in the ted talk Patti told us that at Roche Pharmaceutical the president asked them to create a picture of his vision. In the video she stated “prior to having one, less than 40% of the employees understood the company’s vision and strategy. After seeing the picture, 96% people understood it and 84% noticed that what they did in everyday life aligned to the picture” (Dobrowolski). Taking the extra step drawing out your vision can help you become that much closer to the life you desire to have.

If you’re having a problem with creating your vision board try the method where you trick your brain into allowing you to dream freely. The left side of your brain is labeled as the critic side, the side that reminds you of reality and the side that tries to eliminate risk. However, this is where the tricking begins Patti quoted, “tell the left side of your brain that you’re just going to use your imagination and using your imagination activates the right side of your brain which makes you creative and filled with possibilities”(Dobrowolski). The vision of your future is already in formation you can now start making that picture come to life by adding color, emotion and imagining yourself living that life. Most people become even more determine about a goal when they can physically see progress, they start to believe that it’s possible. Pattie quoted, “Your brain actually emits serotonin and oxytocin when you draw and dream, so you feel happy, capable, creative and cool.” (Dobrowolski).The most asked questioned right now is “how can you transform your written dream into a reality?” the answer is to act on it. In order to complete these steps and beat the odds you must take action; a plan with no action is useless. In this ted talk it has been proven that drawing out your future does indeed work and you can train your brain.