Foam Sculpture

As a beginner in working with foam, I found out that it was super fun and it dulls out my knives very quickly! Foam can be messy when it come to cleaning up and the small pieces have static and inhaling the fine, sanded foam can be dangerous. However, I feel that foam is fairly easy to carve to get a desired shape. The tough part if decorating it. Finding the correct materials to use to seal or decorate the foam is extremely difficult when foam can easily melt through chemical reactions and heat. One of the best things about working with foam is a wide range of choices for materials to use for decorating/sticking into the piece! I definitely experimented a couple ways of pinning and sewing on/into the foam.


  1. Bachelor of Information Technology Telkom University Reply

    How long did it take you to make it? This looks unique

    • Snow Reply

      I worked on this project for roughly 10 days, 4 – 5 hours each day.

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